016, the gossiping paintings!

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THERE ARE TIMES IN your life where you feel numb

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THERE ARE TIMES IN your life where you feel numb. . . empty, almost. You'll want to scream at the top of your lungs, you'll want to curl into a ball and cry. You'll want the ground to swallow you whole. Cerise wanted nothing more than to disappear from the situation she was in.

But, she couldn't.

Hearing the words, 'You best not have feelings for George, Cerise, because I swear I might actually kill you myself' come out of Cedric's mouth made her blood boil.

The way Cedric's stare was cold, the way his eyes were narrowed angrily. . . It was enough to make Cerise feel small; His gaze made her want to curl into a ball and cry. She hated it.

"Why do you care about who I have feelings for?" Cerise asked, watching her brother walk closer to her.

"Because he is my enemy!" Cedric exclaimed. His tone was obvious, and his facial expressions shifted into one of anger.

"And Cho's my best friend!" Cerise retorted, her eyes narrowing as she felt a lump come to her throat. "How do you think I feel?"

Cedric stayed silent.

"I bet it makes you happy knowing I've lost my friendship with one of my only friends!" Cerise was saying, "I bet it makes you happy that one more person prefers you over me! I know you love the attention you get from the whole school, the whispers that are passed on about you in a good way. Do you even care about how I feel?"

There was a moment of silence.

The silence gave Cerise the answer, though she knew the answer anyway. Actions speak louder than words. . . If he cared about what she felt, or about her thoughts and opinions, he would talk to her. Even if she constantly shut him out, he would try and try again. But, he didn't try. He stopped trying long ago.

"At least it's your enemy I have feelings for and not your best friend!" Cerise said. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage, almost like it was trying to break free. "And you know what? At least I actually have feelings for him."

Cedric scoffed, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Don't play stupid," Cerise muttered, rolling her eyes. "It means that you just use Cho for sex, otherwise you two would be dating already."

"That is not true!" Cedric exclaimed, "And for your information, we are together. We just didn't tell you because we knew you would freak out! You're over protective over your friends, and you know what? Cho doesn't even like you. She never did. She just wanted to be closer to me, and I would not be surprised if that's why everyone else is friends with you, too. . . Who would want to be friends with someone like you, anyway?"

Cerise felt her heart break into tiny little pieces. Her heart felt like it had been put into a muggle paper shredder, over and over again, until there was visibly nothing left.

"Fuck you," Cerise said, her eyes narrowed and her tone harsh.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth!" Cedric replied, "You're self-centred and rude. Quite frankly, you're a bitch. You make everything about yourself, and I am tired of watching you ruin everyone's lives, including your own. . . One day, you're going to lose everyone around you, and you will have no one to blame, but yourself."

Cerise felt the tears in her eyes as she looked at Cedric. She wasn't staring at her brother, she was staring at a stranger.

THE AIR AROUND CERISE felt warm and stuffy. She had stormed out of her common room, she couldn't look at Cedric any longer. Her heart felt heavy, she wanted the pain to end, but it didn't. She sat herself by a window, pulling her knees up to her chest as she stared at the moon that illuminated the starry sky.

She could hear the whisperings of the paintings; Her name being mentioned a lot. The paintings loved gossip just as much as everybody else in this fucked up world she lived in.

She leaned her head against the window; The cold glass felt nice on her hot, rosy skin. In the glass, she could see her reflection; Her cheeks were tear-stained, her eyes were red and puffy, her lips were chapped and sore.

Not talking to Cedric because she was being petty did hurt her, but talking to Cedric because she was incredibly hurt by the words he had said hurt a lot more.

He was her brother; Siblings got into fights, but none were as bad as this.

She wanted her mum to hold her, to tell her everything would be alright in the end. But, she couldn't. She didn't want to tell Josephine the words that came out of his mouth.

THE PAINTINGS GOSSIP HAD spread fast, and a pair of twins that were sneaking around the corridors late at night in their pyjamas had overheard it all. As they approached the corridor Cerise was sat in, they couldn't help but frown. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow and steady, she was asleep.

"Poor Cerise," said the woman in the painting, shaking her head with a frown. "She's been here for about two hours, she fell asleep an hour ago. I don't know what happened, but it must have been bad for her to end up like this. . . Poor girl."

George carefully pulled the girl into his arms. He carried her with ease as he and Fred made their way back to the Gryffindor common room. Fred checked every corner, they didn't fancy getting caught. They knew getting caught would only wake Cerise up, and they didn't want that.

She looked like she needed the sleep.

"Balderdash," Fred whispered to The Fat Lady, who quietly swung open the door to the common room, muttering something about kidnapping being a crime. "Where is she going to sleep? We can't leave her down here, and we can't go up to the girls dormitories either — the stairs will turn into a slide."

George pursed his lips, and began walking up the stairs that led into the boy's dormitories. Opening his, Fred's and Lee's shared dorm, he carefully placed her onto his bed. He placed the blanket over her, before pulling the curtains around the bed to give her some privacy.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Fred whispered.

George looked at Fred, stole one of his pillows and placed it on the floor next to his bed. He pulled out the spare blanket from under his bed, and gave Fred a small smile. "Goodnight, Fred."

A/N: I mean... I'm sorry for making Cedric this way but we need drama. Anyway, how sweet are the twins!

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