{02 mutual (?)}

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| Winter pov |

Maybe if I cant have her... Its alright im glad I could still watch her from up this close. I thought while looking at the monitor which was showing jimin dancing with no flaw at all.

Then I suddenly remembered what the manager had told us to do, so I brought my hands to jimin's and bring her hands to my waist, she then pulls me to sit ontop of her which make the staff there bring up their phones, cameras, tablets.

I know I shouldn't be feeling this but what else can I do? I cant magically make my heart stop by telling it "heart! Stop! She's your damn leader of your girl group for gosh darn!"

It took me a while to calm myself but as we were done watching the performance we bowed to the staffs and thanked them for their hard work, it was tiring yeah... But it was worth it knowing out hard work would be repayed by the love of our friends and families.. And ofcourse, Mys.

We went back to the dorm tired, ning and aeri already got to their beds meanwhile i was waiting for jimin to come back because she had an interview with youngji, which to be honest scares me, that means she would be most likely drunk when she goes home, i know she doesn't do any bad habits but she likes to be real honest when shes drunk..

Then a heard some knocking on the door which ofcourse turns out to be jimin unnie! I let her in and when I was inspecting her while she was putting her stuff down.. She looked alright nothing that a drunk person would be. Maybe she drank less this time?

me and jimin Chilled in the kitchen area while I was sitting beside the stove top kicking my feet while munching on a apple, listening to taeyeon's 11:11 song.

"Is eweben erwebenn~" I sang the lyrics while still eating the apple,
Then jimin suddenly gets up from the dining chair and walks up to me, looking up at me with those god damn beautiful eyes that she has.

"You have a little something on your lips mindoong.." She said as her hands brought up to my face and wipes away that little smudge of apple skin.

"Woah there! Don't need to do the fan service when were alone you know?" I said having a light chuckle that made jimin frowned. "hey I really care about you... Its not just fan service minjeong- damn it..."

"Hey.. What's wrong.. Dont be like that i-i was just joking" i said as i cup the girl who was pouting infront of me with her arms crossed.

"Whatever.. Im going to sleep on the couch, sleeping with you surely doesn't feel nice. Im going to ask for a room ate change tomorrow." Karina Said as she walked her way to the couch and sank in at the softness.

"J-jimin unnie! C'mon.. Im sorryyy" "let me make it up to you please?..."
I Said while kneeling down on the cold floor " how?" The still pouting girl said as she turns her back towards me.

"Uh.. I dont really know, but ill really make it up!-" I was interrupted when something felt off around my lips, it was warm, yet soft? I tried to calm myself down to be sure if it was what I was thinking... Its jimin kissing me, her eyes closed as she was grabbing my shoulders tight and pulling me im for a deeper kiss, I couldn't really do anything. Or perhaps wanted to do anything about it... As I was trying to lean in for her, I felt her weight go on me.

She's asleep.

Then I remembered the sudden alcohol she was drinking at the interview... She must have been drunk.


A/N : no this aint going to be a happy winrina (atleast yet.. I dont know if i want itto be happy ending or bad ending) there will be ups and downs :) so just bear with me guys we in this tugetha!

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