{13 luck of a cafè.}

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| Winter's pov |

We drove (or more like I did) to the cafe after jimin changed her clothes, I still didn't get why she had to come along but I also didn't see why she couldn't come.

We were going to a fairly popular cafè where a lot of famous people have been to so if some media gets us it shouldn't be that much of a surprise.

"We're here, do you wanna go in or do you wanna just stay?.." I asked the girl who was half asleep beside me.

"Later its still 6 am.."

Its 1:57 pm

".. I told you before we went out if you were tired you shouldn't come." I said as I shook my head.

"Huoh?.. Oh! No no I'm awake I'm fully awake minjeong!"

"Fine.. Just get up now you have been sleeping while hugging my arm, I cant park the car.."

"O-oh yeah sorry..."

| Karina's pov |

We were waiting infront of the cafè for a few minutes because of the waiting line being loooong.

I walked in the cafè just staring at the cute cat mascot they had next to the cashier while waiting for minjeong to find minju, but I accidentally bumped into someone making their stuff fall.

"Oh my god, im so sorr-..." As I picked up theyre stuff, I recognized his face.


There he was, the man I wanted to see the least, the man I disliked the most.

Lee jae wook was also in the cafè.

Why did minjeong chose such a popular cafè in the first place!?

| Winter's pov |

" There you are jimin minju gave me the flannel lets go eat- "

And there we were.

Me, Minju, jimin and jae wook were all standing uncomfortably as we all just stare at eachother.

"Oh! Your here?... Jae wook.." I said obviously with an annoyed voice.

"Y-yeah.. You must be minjeong?.."



"Anyway.. What brings you here??, were you just going to leave? If you then well please excu-" before jimin could even finish her sentence he cuts her off.

"No actually, I was just going to grab a cup of coffee and sit here for a bit, looks like you guys just came here too, do you mind if I join?"

Fuck n-

"Yes! Sure! Since you are jimin unnies ehem ehem we could slide you in." Minju said with a playful wink before I could react.

Before I could even say anything else, heck I couldn't even breath like a normal person in this situation, I was being dragged to a table where jimin was sitting infront of me, but that damn jae wook was next to her.

How can this situation be more awkward? The answer is the girl next to me, kim min-ju.

"So when are you guys thinking of marriage?" Just like that wook guy completely malfunctioned and choked on his coffee.

"Oh - what? No we aren't really thinking of that right now, right j-jimin?.."


"Minju stop they are obviously uncomfortable at these questions you are throwing at them."

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