{01 Even if its fake.. dont stop it.}

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I kinda want this to be excruciatingly long but who knows...

|minjeong pov| ( the timeline starts at the spicy era )

It was a tiring day for me and my members but we still had a long day ahead of us, that is.. Recording for studio choom.

It was our comeback with our song 'Spicy' we all had different outfits that day but it did indeed bring out the cold high schoolers vibe.

When we were done dancing we were told to look at our performance again and look if there were more errors or not. Before that the manager pulled us aside, " now when you four are looking at the screen, jimin make sure you pull winter to your lap okay? " the manager said.

"w-what why?" I asked with an obvious reddening on my face. The manager frowns " what else?"

|flash back|

"Its the day before the debut!" I said excitingly screaming at myself on my bed looking at the time on my phone hitting '00.00' I have been counting the days ofcourse! Tomorrow is the day our mv gets out.

I was running to the living room of our dorm with only my oversized hoodie and shorts on "Guys! Guys! Tomorrow is our debut!!!" I said hearing foot steps going out of the rooms.

"yah.. Can you not scream? Im going to go insane with your voice so loud.."
Aeri said eyes still closed as she and jimin was going out of their rooms.

I frowned and fell to the couch sinking in that softness of it.

"Its Okay mindong.. We're all excited ofcourse." Jimin said with a smile on her face while patting minjeong's soft hair.

Then the three girls startled over the knocking sounds they hears on he door. They all look at eachother with scared faces, "grab the bat... Its Literally midnight, who in the right mind would go to our dorm.."
Jimin said instructed giselle.

When the japanese got the bat, the three go infront of the door.

Jimin sent signals to the two that she was going to open the door in


They all screamed While closing their eyes when they see a man figure infront of them.. But they slowly opened their eyes and saw that the man infront of them is their.. Manager..

"Manager!???" Aeri said putting the bat down beside the door.

"Who else could it be..?" The man said while just making his way into the kitchen.

"Where is yizhuo?" To then the three pointed their fingers to the open door giving view to the sleeping ning ning.

"What Are you doing here so late at night though?" Minjeong said while looking the cupcakes that the manager brought them.

"To give you all a congratulations." Minjeong brought her hands to the cupcake but the manager stopped her
"But.... I need to tell you guys something important before that."

They all took a seat infront of the manager between them a table, "no matter what I will always support you girls with my heart, im not saying this Because you guys give me money, no.
You girls are my happiness, my sadness, my craziness, heck my Everything. So please just do this with passion girls, and make me proud............ Looking at aeri almost laughing must be Because I sound like a dad huh?..." Then the three bursted out laughing Making the person infront of them frown.

"Nooo don't frown! We're kidding with you Here!!" Minjeong said while still laughing.

The latter just sighs "oh and theres one thing I haven't told you girls..." The tone switched into a serious tone which makes the three sat still to listen.

"Do you girls know fanservice? Im sure you do know what it is.." The man asks concerned.

"Yeah I think we all do.. Is this about the ships?" Aeri questioned making the manager nods. "I've been looking at media at it seems that the main ships are.. Ning and aeri.. Then jimin and minjeong?" There was a long pause but the manager broke it.

"Are you girls okay with that?.." The three just nods. "You don't have to do anything extreme but just act... Like your in love with eachother?" "And be sure to tell this to that sleeping kid over there" the manager said pointing his hands to the sleeping potato.

"Well that's all... Congratulations on your your coming debut yeah? Mke sure to finish that cake."
Leaving the three girls alone.

The three were left speechless as they just look at eachother

|End of flash back|


A/N : :(

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