{19 reassureance.}

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| Karina's Pov |

We were preparing for the KCON performance... I'm nervous, I cant let that show.

But still I cant force out that lingering feeling in me that really wants to just scream my lungs out from all this nervousness, but I have people that can help me with it.

People.. Like minjeong.

Minjeong took my hand and softly patted it looking at me with reassurance in her eyes, "its going to be fine, lets just do what we always do okay?". Its funny how she can always read me.

" okay. "



"good job girls! Like always" our manager said walking towards us.
"Do you have any plans after this or?"

"Nothing I thi -"

"Ah! Jimin unnie and I are gonna make tiktok's and stuff like that outside, you know for content.. If you don't mind ofcourse sir" minjeong said interrupting me.

"Yeah yeah just don't do anything Stupid alright? Ning and aeri are coming with me to do some interviews."

"Ayay captain" minjeong said saluting as she grabs my arm dragging me to the outside backstage.

"What tiktoks are we even gonna do?" I said while giggling.

"Just.. Some silly dances?"

An hour and a half went by like it was nothing, we took some videos and pictures, we were Already tired.

We went to the makeup / dress room  near that area to cool off.. There weren't many people here, but that was great for me, we then moved to the couch.

"This is nice..I want to stay like this forever.." I hear her say, i respond in a hum. she was so close to me, I was cuddling next to her my head on the crook of her neck while she pulled me close to her body, her hands holding my waist.



"Do you think we can do this?.."

"This what baby?"

"Well... Us.. I mean.. I'm, just afraid of what's next" she said as she rubs my back. "Like.. Our fans.. Everyone, would they be okay?.. With us?"

"Are you worried about how the public will react?"

I raise my head up to look at her pouting and nodding, I then look around if there were anyone, which seems to be zero people here, I kiss her lips softly and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You know that this was going to be a hard road when you decided to have a relationship with me minjeong, and ofcourse, that's okay. You know why?"

She tilts her head in confusion.

"Well its because we have eachother. Ofcourse there would be negative responds from everywhere, but does that matter if we have eachother? So what matters is.. Us, lets enjoy every single moment we have together untill it ends, okay Minjeong? I wont ever leave you.. I promise that with all my heart, in this hard and rough road we are choosing I will always, always, be with you. I love you minjeong."

She smiles with my response, she kissed my cheek before continuing.

"I love you too jimin.. So damn much."


A/N : A short one for today :(

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