{20. Final Question }

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| Karina's Pov |

"Such a beautiful view" I said as I opened the airplane window, minjeong nodded while she was fiddling with her fingers.

"Hm? Are you okay minjeong?"

"Y-yeah, its just the breakup news just came out a few hours ago.. And I saw some of the comments.. Aren't you nervous? About how the people are going to react?"

| Winter's Pov |

I was drying my hair in the bath room getting ready to go to the airport while my phone kept buzzing and buzzing which was really annoying the shit out of me..

I checked and it was some of my friends spamming the same messages again and again with a link attached to it, "look at the news in dispatch!".

What more could this be?.. Did i get into another stupid rumor?

I swear these people are So-

My finger opened the link and I was too stunned to even speak, is this even okay? Jimin said it Wouldn't be this fast..



"The two decided to end their relationship and decided to be great colleagues supporting one another."


anonymous : " all of this because of those toxic ass winrina Stans."

anonymous 2 : "they were such a cute couple though.."

anonymous 3 : "And we cheered."

anonymous 4 : " this is why winrina fans are the worst."

anonymous 5 : "I swear this is all media play!"

anonymous 6 : "okay what."


|End Of Flashback|
|Karina's Pov|

I took a deep breath and let it out, a frown on my face making her feel bad.

"Minjeong I know.. But we have talked about this remember?.."

"Yes! We did Jimin, but I'm just really nervous and worried about you.. What if they call you names!?-"

I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, gentle enough to make her shut up.

"So noisy" I joked, mumbled just low enough so she could hear me.

"I-im serious jimin!"

"I'm serious too, about what I said yesterday.. I don't care what people are gonna say minjeong.. We can do what we want, we are grown adults. No one can ever stop me from loving you, understood?"

"Y-yeah.. Understood."

I took her hand and kissed it on the side of the knuckle making her face blush which made me chuckle, "isn't that better?"

After a few hours in the plane we got off, to be honest.. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't nervous.

But I knew there would be negative comments, but the thing is, its up to me on what to do with those negativeness. And I choose to Ignore it, because either way in the end, you can only trust yourself, and maybe.. Just maybe your love of your life, in my case.. The girl next to me holding my hand, kim minjeong.

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