{08 selfish.}

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| Karina's pov |

12 january

" jimin its not your fault. "

I heard my manager say as I was still crying in the back seat, come to think of it.. None of this would have happend if the damn company didn't act like shit!

"Just drive.."

The flight on my way there was silent. I could get minjeong out my mind, I thought about calling her or at least text Her but I just.. Couldn't.

Me and the manager arrived at the airport where there were many people around.. We took some pictures and decided to go to the hotel.

At the hotel I called aeri to check up on something, everything, or at least..

"Aeri.. I can explai-" "no need, manager already texted us.. Its going to be okay jimin.." she said in a guilty tone after what happened at the dorm.

"Its okay aeri I understand why you acted that way."

I sighed knowing aeri was understanding of my situation.. Still, I felt bad for minjeong, "what's minjeong up to?" I asked.

"I didn't see her after you left.. I don't really know where she is.."

"Maybe she's with ning??"

"Ning is with me right now?"

I took a long pause worried.
"I'm going end the and call minjeong okay?" I said as I hanged up and immediately called her.

It was ringing so I knew her phone was going off, She just didn't picked up. Then again, I could understand why she would be sad at me.

I just wanted to be with her, I just wanted her to be mine, maybe it was too much to ask? Even if it is.. I don't care, I know I'm selfish for this but damn it! I Couldn't tell her the news just so I could enjoyed the time I had with her, I know i'm the jerk for doing it but, I Keep finding myself wanting more.. I needed her love. I couldn't reject the feeling of wanting more of her.

My thoughts stopped when the manager called me out for us to go to the prada store.

| Winter's Pov |

I needed to ease my mind.

I didn't know what to do, I felt so lost and suffocated, I really don't know what to feel.

I felt my phone ringing a lot of times and knowing it would be aeri, ning, and jimin.. I ignored it.

I needed to think, think about what?
Think about what I want to do with this stupid feelings of mine.

Its just for media play right? They're only dating for a few months right? But what if jimin falls in love? What if they're feelings become true with one another? Fuck! I couldn't bear the thought of her in love with someone else.

But I knew that more than anything I Would still love her no matter what.

Hell even if she broke my heart this much I would still be desperate to wait for her, Am I this pathetic? I chuckled at the thought.

Still I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to wait for her, be there for her no matter what and continue on loving her no matter what, But on my other hand.. I was hurting, I was tired.

I couldn't do it any longer. But knowing there would be a chance I could call her mine.. Was everything for me.


A/N : I have lost the ability to write so my apologies 😭 (fr tho I feel bad making this story boring by each chapter) jae wook next chapter though 😮‍💨

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