{09 Damn it.}

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| Karina's pov |
14 january

"Damn it." was all I could say under my breath as I was on my way to the fashion show.

I was wearing a long white elegant prada dress, I was playing with my fingers without even noticing because I was so nervous..

I arrived at the place putting on a genuine smile because even though I hated the fact I was going to meet him I was still excited for the show.

Having minjeong on my mind all the time was giving me a hard time to concentrate on anything though.

I was led to my seat which had my name on it, as I sat down I couldn't help but notice the seat right next to me was for the one and only guy himself, lee jae wook.


| Jae wook's pov |

I my self couldn't wait for the fashion week.

I head to the building after taking photos from the crowd, i knew I had something to do there as well..

Yu jimin, known as Karina from aespa. I guess she was the one who my company told me to do the business with, I watched her in television a couple times but that's it really.

But the thing was..

I didn't know that she was this beautiful in real life.. Hell, she looks like an AI.

I stood there like an idiot admiring her beauty, but stopped since the guard told me to sit down right next to her.

I sat down after we both greeted eachother as I smiled eagerly looking at her nonstop, maybe she was a bit uncomfortable but I let my self be selfish for just this once.

The fashion show started so I took my glance off of hers and enjoyed the show.

"Enjoying the show yeah?" I asked the the beautiful girl next to me as she nods her head "yeah.." now I noticed she was a little nervous regarding what business we had together in the following of months..

"I know you don't agree with it.." I said whispering which only she could hear.

"Agree with what?.. Oh.. Im sorry but, you don't know anything."

I was taken aback but I still understood why, she must have personal problems about the order from both our agencys.

"I wont cross the line." I said without really thinking.. "I promise."

She then sighed heavily almost like she was relieved, the show ended and we were told to take a picture together, she was interviewed by the people there and it was.. Nice to watch really... She looked perfect.

When the camera was on our spot light, she started to be a lot more friendlier and smiling a lot more with me, she does know how to do her job, I chuckled at the thought.

I told her to exchange numbers with me since I had to go earlier than expected because of a shooting schedule, she smiled and nods her head as she took my phone. Maybe it was just for the camera but my heart couldn't help but go crazy.

| Karina's pov |

I went back to the airport after heading to the hotel checking out.

I knew my phone was ringing from the notifications of jae wook but I could reply to it later, I just wanted to see minjeong.

It was hard... 11 hours was making my mind go nuts, I'm being selfish because I miss her so much.. Well I guess love really does make you crazy?

When I arrived at the dorm it was already 1AM in korea, I was tired.. Really tired but I wanted to talk with minjeong, I know she must hate me but I didn't care I just wanted to feel the warmth of her in my arms hugging her, aeri and ning was out side hanging out in a bar so I knew minjeong was probably alone.

I opened Minjeong's door room and I saw her sitting doing paper work I guessed? She was so focused on it she didn't seemed to know my presence.

I tapped her shoulder from behind and she got up startled as I begin to hug her tightly not wanting to let go..



Just then the bathroom door was opened and I saw a girls figure... No.. Minju's figure.. Wet hair and with minjeong's over sized flannel that I bought for her wrapped around her body.


A/N : new chapter for u guyz :)

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