{06 why wont you?}

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| Winter's Pov |

After that day, me and jimin was starting to get closer than ever.. Heck I'm smiling like a fool right now legs crossed sitting on the floor, thinking of it.

She said I have to wait, ill wait no matter how damn long it'll take.

We were just finished after a tiring day after getting back from japan for the show.. Aeri was going to the gym fast Right after we just got to the dorm, ning being aeri's pup ofcourse had to follow her around because she was so bored and didn't have anything to do. So at the dorm was only me, jimin, and my sweet oh sweet manager.

Yea that last part was sarcasm.. I mean I'm not saying he does his job bad, but whenever me and jimin found some time together he would always barge in.. Talk about bad timing! Ugh!

Thought I let all of my thoughts go away as soon as jimin opened the door to my room, I looked up at her with a curious face tilting my head "do you need something?"

"Minjeong-ahh I need a recharge for just a sec!" She said pouting, which made my heart flutter so bad but I just had to be calm infront of her for whatever reason. Then suddenly I felt her right beside me sitting on the floor beside the side bed.

And cuddled me.

'WAAAARGHHH WHY I- WHA- I- UH- WWAASHDGSHSHSHSH' my head said to me, I couldn't even say anything heck I was too stunned I almost hid like a turtle when my head sunk in my hood hoodie.

"Tired?" I said foolishly trying to act calm.

"Yea.. Kind of sleepy too y'know?" She said as she played with my hoodie strings twirling them with her tiny fingers.. words really cant say how much I think she's adorable.

She slumped back down even further and laid her head on My chest while still playing the now twirled up hood strings, I took the chance to take my right hand up to her hair playing it as I stare onto nothing.

" minjeong-ah is your phone case still matching with mine?"

|flash back|

It was early november me and jimin was going to head out to the mall to hang out. We were shopping because we were kind of bored doing nothing in the dorm.

"Min min"


"Wanna get matching phone cases?" She said pointing to the apple store.

"Why? I already have this cute soft pink case.." I said bringing up my phone. "Yeah but don't you wanna match with me?.." She said while pouting.

I let out a little groan but I knew I couldn't reject her offer.. she even pouted! Damnit.


Her eyes lit up and took my hand leading me to the store.

| End of flashback |

"Yeah ofcourse why?"

"Nothing.. Just, promise you wont change it?"

"Ofcourse. Well if theres a new phone I gotta Buy- I do need to change it" I said laughing which made her pout more and pushed me softly, "Alright alright i'm sorry!!"

I said as I wrap my right arm tighter around her body cuddling her, "well someone's touchy today" jimin said as she laughs and boops my nose a couple of times.

"Me? Touchy? Oh please, who was the one who came to my room and asked for a recharge hug??"

"Still your such a cute puppy.. Like a pup wanting to be loved."

"am not!"

"Aww minjeongg stop denying your cuteness!!" She said cupping my cheeks as I felt my face getting redder and redder.

Then we heard the door opened, now I know me and jimin Weren't doing Anything but I cant help but accidentally push her a bit too hard when I heard the door opened.

"Ouch!" Jimin yelped as I try to hold in my laugh seeing the manager came in the room.

"What were you guys doing?" The manager asked but quickly just came straight to the point, "jimin? Can I talk to you for a second?"

Jimin and I looked at eachother for a Second but she just nodded and left the room with the manager. See? This is What im talking about, the manager ruining me and Jimin's time alone together! I was kind of curious to hear what jimin and the manager was talking about because he asked jimin with such a serious face..

So I sneaked out my room to hear What they were saying.

| Karina's pov |

I was a bit confused why I couldn't talk to him in the living room, but I guessed this was a serious matter?

He lead me to the dorms garage "jimin.. Just when I tell you about this, you have to listen to me first okay? Don't get mad or any of that."

"What is it?" I said being calm knowing it wouldn't be that bad Right?
I mean I can deal with anything as long as I have minjeong and the girls with me...

"Your going to milan fashion show next week." He said making me confused.

"Isn't that good news? Why are you being so scary all of the sudden."
I said laughing nervous

"do you know lee jae wook?"
He said looking at me nervously like he knew I was going to get mad or upset.

"Just.. Get to the point already." I said frustrated.

"The company needs you to date him, the news would be going off a few weeks after you guys first meet."

| Winter's pov |

I gasped feeling my knees weaken when I heard that sentence, my heart sank. I tried not to get caught by covering my mouth with my hand..

"w-why?? What is this for now? How many times do you have to use me for a damn media play??" I heard jimin say obviously frustrated by the manager.

"Calm down.. We know its media play, but the company is getting payed to cover up the political news going on In-"
"So what!? Do you Think you can just use me because your getting payed??"

"Jimin.. You know you have no choice.
And who knows? Maybe you can learn to love him? And even if not its only 4 month relationship, you can choose to emd it or continue it. Up to you."

"Only? Are you kidding me right now!? Please... I don't want to date anyone.. Please?..." I heard her voice cracked probably going to cry.. I wanted to hug her, hold her, but my thoughts got Caught off listening to them.

"Jimin.. Im sorry, I cant do anything about it, just.. Be nice to him infront of the camera." The manager said leaving the garage and left jimin alone with no words to fight back.

I quickly got back to my room so I could wait for her to come back and maybe she Would explain, I sat down to my original spot waiting for her.

The door opened slowly revealing a pouting jimin. "Hey? What's wrong? What did the manager say?" I asked trying to play dumb about not knowing what was going on.

"Its nothing! Just got informed im going to the fashion week in milan."

I was confused to why she didn't tell me the truth.. But I guessed she was just shocked as I was right now and she would tell me later.


A/N : Sorry for the very late update lmaoo :( Im so easily distracted these days...

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