{10 minju.}

572 21 11

| Winter's pov |
14 january

"Its the day they meet huh?" I said to myself as I was walking by the park.

I should really distracted my self..

Well to be honest I knew one of us (the members) would have to face a media play or a 'scandal' at least once.. Being a kpop idol sucks when it comes to that, but I just didn't want jimin to be the one.

My thoughts were cut off as I bumped into a girl which was quiet annoying because I was literally walking straight, this girl needs to-

"Oh.. Minju."


| flash back |

"Why cant you love me back!?"
Minju said to me as she was drunk on the floor, hugging her own knees as I heard sniffles from her.

It was a rainy day, I was tired.. I just finished the shooting for the Next level MV and I was on my back.

I had a different schedule from the members and I needed some fresh air alone so I asked the manager if I could went home alone which he just said "stay safe." And so I was, walking down the street as the Seoul air made me calm.

I then sighed frustratingly as my phone buzzed in my pocket pants, I took it out from my wallet and I saw the caller id as Minju. Now.. I knew that she had a little crush on me, I thought she would move on because I had clearly told her that I already had someone in my mind.. But clearly I was wrong because of her words as I picked up her call.

"I need you.."

"Minju.. Are you drunk?"

"No.." Hiccup* "please come to the dorm.. No one is here.. Just please minjeong-ah"

She's definitely drunk. "Why would I.. Minju we talked about this."

"Please..." Just then, I heard glass shattered as the call hanged up.

Fuck, I need to go there.

I called an uber and I tried to call her multiple times but there wasn't any answer, I tried to calm down knowing she wasn't that stupid to actually hurt herself right? Unless there was someone breaking in??

I unlocked the dorm with the password and barged into minju's room as I saw broken soju glass on the floor and a crying minju sitting.

I sighed as I find something to clean the glass with, luckily chaewon liked to clean so there were some few cleaning stuff at the storage room they had.

After I cleaned it up, I noticed minju was grabbing another bottle from the table but I quickly stopped her "you had enough drinks.."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"
She said as she forced my hand down.

"Minju i'm serious, stop."

"Fuck!.." She threw the empty bottle to the carpet, luckily it didn't break.

"Why cant you love me back!?"

"We talked about this!"

"Who is it minjeong!?"

"Minju Stop.. Your too drunk for this, and I need to go hom-"

"Who the fuck is i-"

"Its jimin!"

Her eyes wide open, I guess she didn't expect that?..

"You know you wont be with her."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"Minjeong, her dream is to be a fucking mother.. Besides you know that you guys cant be together.

I went silent, I knew that these things she was saying had some truth in them but I didn't want to listen to them any more. I kneel down trying to carry her to her bed so I could get this over with.

"I can give you the love that you need minjeong.. Please, I can make this right-"

"You cant. The only one person I love would and will always be her."

| End of flash back |

We didn't meet for some good years after what happened, she wanted to catch up with me and I couldn't refuse.

We sat down to a cafe near the park and it was raining hard when we entered the building.

"How are you?" I was the one who broke the long silence.

"Great.. I've been doing some acting here and there, its been amazing."

"That's nice to hear minju." I said smiling at her.

"Hey.. I'm sorry.. For what happened back then, and I'm sorry I didn't even called you or texted you about it, really though.. I'm sorry."

Its true that after what happened I was kind of not in the mood for a week? I kept on being grumpy and sad but jimin was there for me, even though she was kind of the reason, she still stood beside me everyday having to deal with my mood, still though I forgave minju way back then.

"I already forgave you, a long time ago actually" I said with a tiny laugh that made her smile.

After that we made some small talks a bit of that a bit of this, we finished and waited a bit by the exit door because it was still raining.

"Theres a convenience store across the street, ill get an umbrella for you okay?" She said looking innocently at me.

"Are you crazy? Your gonna be soaking wet!" I said with a laugh.

I then widened my eyes as she smirked and ran off.

She looked so dumb.. and cute? Well jimin is more cute to be honest the way she- DAMN IT!

My thoughts goes away as minju was already infront of me, and ofcourse she was soaked.

I lend her my jacket and it was already mid night so we had to go home, I insisted that she has to take a shower at my dorm though because it was more near and she could get a cold if she went home like that.

We went to the dorm and while minju was taking a shower i quickly search for my phone that I left when I was going out to take a walk, messages from aeri and ning saying they were hanging out, messages from manager nim, and that was it.. Why am I feeling down? Did I expected for her to text me? I doubt it though, she's probably with that guy right now, I bet she doesn't even think of me while being with him.

"Minjeong?.. Can I borrow your clothes?"

Oh shit I forgot that she was here.

"oh yea s-sorry"

I lended her my favorite flannel and some shorts then a towel, I sat back to my chair and there was a bit paper work that I didn't do.. So waiting for Minju I decided to just occupy myself with it.

A good 30 minutes passed by, minju was still in the bath room.. Just suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I got Startled almost making the stuff on my desk fall.

Its jimin..

She hugged me..


A/N : long ass chapter for u guys :) im so cool 😮‍💨😮‍💨

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