{12 promises you would keep.}

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| Karina's Pov |

I woke up, minjeong was still beside me asleep.. amazed at how she was so Beautiful even while sleeping like a baby.

I moved the strands of hair on her face away so I could see her face more.. Damn it, she doesn't deserve me.

"I'm so sorry for everything.." I said in a whisper as I kissed her forehead softly.

I got up The bed when suddenly her hand pulled me making minjeong under me, "you cant do that."

"I- cant what minjeong...?"

"You cant apologize for anything and just kiss my forehead."

"I'm sorry."

"There You go saying sorry again."

"Look.. I know we're having a problem.. And I know you aren't ready to speak out your feelings.. But I swear jimin, Ill wait untill the day you are ready-"

"-I promise."

"I- promise what?"

"I promise ill come to you, and tell you everything I feel. Just not right now.. But I'm serious, ill make sure ill hold on to you tight and tell you everything." I said as I held her hand tight.

Just then I felt her eyes on my lips -

"JIMIN UNNIE YOUR BAAACKK?- oops." Just when we heard ning's voice I felt an incredible pain on my butt because winter pushed me off the bed.


| Winter's pov |

"C- come in ning" I said as I hid under the blanket, 'why did I thought of kissing her!? Winter wake up!' I thought to my self.

"I'm going to ignore what just happend but you need to tell me more later." She said as her finger pointed to me.

"Uh.. Anywa-" just right before I finished my sentence my phone rang.

"Minju?..." Karina said looking into my phone.

"Yeah.. Ill take this outside." I walked out of the room leaving ning and jimin to talk.



"Yeah its me, what's up?"

"I have your flannel washed up, just wanted to let you know you could pick it up today yea?"

"uhm.. Yea sure ill pick it up at 2 pm?"

"Perfect, Meet me at the cafe."
She said as she hanged up.

"Your meeting her?..." Jimin suddenly sneaked behind me making me jump.

"Holy Sh- unnie!.. Yeah but I'm just getting my flannel back that's it."

"Can I join you?.."

"I.. Why?.."

"Nothing.. I just want to, unless you dont want me to?.."

Stop pouting please I beg you dear god please make her stop pouting.



A/N : sorry for late update :) im very very very sick right now :(

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