{04 waiting till the end (?)}

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| Winter's pov |

Its early january, me and the girls just finished the show at mbc gayo..

We were a bit tired from all the promotion we had to do, but I decided to have a drink outside with ning because... Well, you'll know.. but it was worth it since I had my cake at the end, after I thought about all the fuss that manager gave me that saying im not doing my part in the fanservice well, I was damn mad.

| flash back |

"Jimin is doing well in the fan service. She's like a magnet for the media! Meanwhile you Minjeong you don't make it well for either of us... Why cant you just do it right!?" The manager yelled at me, I was fiddling with my fingers not giving a fuck to this manager who doesn't understand my feelings.

When I was about to go up and leave that hell hole of a dorm a hand stopped me from leaving, it was ofcourse that damn women who was the cause of my world being confusing.. Jimin held my arm holding me back to sit beside her.

"Its okay manager-nim ill make sure Minjeong does her part.. I promise" she said as she held my arm tighter.

"You better!" The manager said leaving and made the door close loudly. "Minjeong.... I-" before she could say anything further I slowly make her hand go away from my arms "I know.. Ill just pretend more, I'm sorry I should have just followed the service like anybody would."

"That's not what I was going to say minjeong-ah.. If your really uncomfortable with it we can sto-"

"You know that we cant.. Unnie cant you understand!? We cant.. Unless either of us gets a damn boyfriend maybe? But I don't want that unnie.. I want you.. But I don't want it if its just this damn fan service!" I felt her eyes widened at the following ending sentence.

I rushed out of the dorm because of how fucking embarrassed I felt, I called ning right away..

| End of flashback |

"Dammit ning... Why did I say that.."
I said as the latter poured me another glass of soju.

"Because you have a secret crush on jimin unnie?" She said with a laugh making me stare dead to her eyes.
"Chill out unnie, i'm kidding!.. For real though our phone keeps ringing... Its because aeri unnie and jimin unnie keep calling us, don't you think its time for us to go already?"

"No!! After the shit I pulled?? Absolutely not!" I said as I try to open the third glass of soju, "we are so getting in trouble.." She said as I felt her hands grab the bottle of the drink and opened it herself, chugging the whole soju.

A couple of hours has passed by and we were absolutely drunk.

"WHY CAN SHE UNDERSTAND THAT THE WHOLE FANSERVICE IS HURTING MEEE...." I screamed at ning ning looking at her trying to put her whole fist in her mouth.

"M-maybi shi olredi knowe????" Hearing that sentence made me laugh hysterically "it hurts ning.. Deep in my heart it hurts knowing she's only doing this for her fanservice" I said pointing to my forehead.

"W-wokey we are toooooooo drunk to be talking about seriouz stuffz! HOLY - how are we going to go h- home????!!" Ning said as she picked up her phone panicking calling someone. "Who yuh callinh?" I asked poking ning's nose while Saying "boop boop" everytime my finger lands on her.

"The unnies duhhhhh??" I was too drunk to understand her so I just kept booping her.

| Karina's pov |

Ring ring*

I saw the notification on my phone ringing as 'ningy ning' surprised By it because when me and aeri called them a hundred times they didn't answer.

"AERIIII YAAAAHHH!" I instantly Yelled so the Japanese could hear me.
"What!??? Is yizhuo here!?"

I picked up the phone and put it on speaker so aeri could hear too

Was the only thing the girls could hear from the rambling noices the call made.

"Did you guys drink??? Where are you? Ill Pick You guys up!!"
Aeri said her worried voice came up

"Jimin unnieee!!! Do you have anwy ideah! On howe u made our littwol precious minjeongi sad!!! Look at her! Shes eating grass?... Oh shit shes eating Grass!!! P-pick us up were next to the bar where jimin and m-minjeonh used to go often!"

The call hanged up and aeri and me was already going outside to go to the said bar.

Aeri was weirdly quiet the whole walk but I thought that maybe she was just too worried so I had become quiet too..

We were five minutes away from the bar when we heard a loud laugh come out from inside the dog park near the bar, we decided to check it out because the dolphin laugh was too familiar for us to not have heard it.

There she was, minjeong who was pretending to be a dog while Yizhuo was recording everything Minjeong was doing.

"YIZHUO!" Aeri said running to the small child who was still laughing..
Then I felt someone thug my jacket from behind, so I looked back and saw a crying minjeong infront of me,

"U-unnie.. Why do you make it so hard for me?" She said before she collapse to my arms blacked out.

Aeri was the one to carry minjeong and I was the one who had to hold yizhuo's hand so she couldn't run away. It was all like a dream to be honest.. And minjeongs words cutted me deep... Was she talking about the fanservice? Did she meant something else?... I wasn't sure but I knew I had to find out either way.

Aeri threw minjeong on my bed while I lead yizhuo to aeri's. She fell asleep right before my eyes That just made me chuckle at how cute the chinese was.

I went back to my bed preparing a soft blanket for minjeong, and as I was covering her up.. I felt her hands pulling me into her "y-yah minjeong what are you doing.." I Said as I feel her hot breath towards my upper lip.

"I'm going to have my payback unnie.." She said as she goes closer to me and closes her eyes.. Not even a second I felt her soft lips on mine, she collapsed down to my neck, burying her sleeping face.

I widened my eyes trying to calm down from what has had happened, I quickly put minjeong Back to the bed and ran away from the bed to go to the living room.

"What do I do...."


A/N : next chapta ljw is going to be announced to the story :) just a Teeny tiny bit though

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