{07 ill do it.}

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| Winter's pov |

I think I spent the next day crying alone in my room after what happened, I mean Well yeah I knew this was just orders from the company but thinking of jimin with another person... Broke my heart.

I was still waiting for her to say something about it to me, but days have passed she was a bit quiet to me.. Now later today she has to go to that stupid fashion show with that stupid guy.

I knew I could just confront to her about it but I couldn't really bring my self up to it and the timing isn't always Right. She had a shooting with Dazed so I was patiently waiting for her in the dorm.

Me, ning, and aeri were hanging out in jimin's room goofing out while we knew jimin was away for her own schedule.

"Has jimin unnie been a lot more quiet these days?" The youngest brought up. "Yea I think she's dealing with some issues.. Why Wont she Tell us though?"

"She has a dating order from the company." I said without thinking as I munch on a potato chip while playing on my phone.

wait why did I say that!?

"WHAT!???" The two said in union.

"I.. Uh.." Just then door opened and we saw jimin putting down her bags on her desk.

"What are you guys doing here?.." She said being quiet obvious she was having a bad day.. " who do you have to date!?- ouch!" Ning said as I kicked her.

Jimin's eyes widened and looked at me for a few seconds.. "How do you-"
"Minjeong told us?" Aeri said as she looked a bit angry, "why didn't you tell us? Are we not trustable enough for you?" She continued.

"No aeri.. Its not like that I just-"

"Just what jimin!?"

As the argue grew louder i got up and took jimin's hand dragging her out of the room and took her to mine locking the door.

"Jimin-" "since when did you knew!? Why didn't you tell me u knew?" She pushed my hands off of hers.

"and why didn't you say anything to me?... I waited to patiently every day waiting for you to tell me and at least gave me some kind of affirmation or comfort? Were you just going to let me be and play with my damn feelings?" I said calmly looking at her eyes for a search of honesty and care.

"Minjeong.. Im sorry, I cant."

"What do you mean you cant? Jimin.. You promised..."

She pulled me for a hug and while gently brushing my Hair with her soft hands.

"Don't do this knowing you wont do anything with my feelings." I said as I tried to get away but her grip on me felt tighter. "Minjeong... I cant."

"Cant what!?"

"I cant fulfill my promises."

I felt my arms weakened as I just surrender to her hugs. "Is it because of that dating thing? Its okay ill wait for at least four -" "minjeong no.."

"Its fine! I can wait for you just... Damn it jimin!" I said feeling her tears on my shoulder making my flannel wet.

"Stop crying.. Please, we can make this work."

"I don't want you to wait for me any longer.. Minjeong I need to go."

Fuck. I though in my head, I couldn't let Her go.. No.. I don't want to.

"No!.. Don't go! Stay.. Please.."

"Let me go.." Her voiced cracked and almost immediately I let my hands on her go, she unlocked the door and left me with my Thoughts alone.

I felt tears running down my face but I felt empty inside. I wanted to run and stop her from getting to the airport at all cost but I couldn't really,
I thought that if I waited for her for years it would be enough, I thought that if I just focused all on her it would be enough, But in the end that didn't really worked out did it?

I know I should dislike her by now.. But I couldn't do it. And if loving her means just watching her by the side? Ill do it. If loving her means a one sided love? Ill do it. If loving her means hurting my self? Ill do it.


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