{17 i'm yours.}

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| Winter's Pov |

"You rented this whole restaurant for ourselves!? Winter your crazy!"

"Crazy for you? Maybe." I said holding my giggle as I move the seat for jimin signaling her to sit down.

We ordered a bunch of food like sushi, Sashimi, ramen, all of that.

We didn't really need to worry about the workers here because the restaurant was owned by my old friend back in high school, the workers could be trusted.

We took pictures of eachother, talked and laughed, it was great really.. It was everything I wanted.

After we were finished and satisfied with the food I took her out to have a night walk in the refreshing air, maybe it wasn't the air but maybe it was us?.. Its like a feeling you have been wanting to do for so long and you could do it now.

I looked at her while she was looking at the view next to us.. it was really.. Really.. pretty, my view at least.

I think I was looking at her too much unconsciously because when she suddenly looked at me, I was startled.

"Its rude to stare you know?" She said pulling my arm in holding me.

"J-jimin.. What if people see us?.."

"Who cares minjeong, let them think what they want to think okay?.. Your mine for tonight."

At that. I let her hands go and pulled her to my arms with my hands on her waist making her squeaked from the sudden pull as I stare into her eyes in awe.

"Why just tonight?."

"Well aren't you confident?"

"How can I not be." A playful smirk creeps up my smile as her hands goes to my neck for support.

"We probably shouldn't be out late right? You need to wake up early for the date you have tomorrow you know?" I said Jokingly making jimin frowned, which made me curse my self in the head.

"I wont go tomorrow, and I don't want to talk about him. I want this night to be about us minjeong." She said in a serious tone making me gulp nervously, "b-but didn't manager?-"

"I told him to call it off and just lay low for a while for the media, besides I'm going to spend all my time on you tomorrow"

-"unless.. You don't want to?.."

"Ofcourse I want to! Better than you hanging around with that jae wook guy all the time?"

"Why are you jealous when you know the person I want is you minjeong?" I felt like my cheeks have gone red as I look away from her.

"Y-you call it jealousy.. I call it fear of losing you."

"D-damn it"

"What?.. Did I say somethi-" as she shushed me with her left hand, Leaving me clueless, she looked around.. As if to see if anybody was there?

I tried to follow the girl's movements and to saw nobody was around that area, to then I suddenly felt both of her hand on the side of my neck with her thumbs on my cheek, "minjeong."
She shot up With a serious tone.


"Be mine?"

| Karina's pov |

She seemed to be speechless.

She doesn't say anything for a second as she looked somewhere, almost like to think about it for a second.

"What a-about jae wook?"

"We're fake dating minjeong. I only want it to be you i'm with."

"Jimin.. Are you sure about this? If your going to do this I don't think I would go back or even try to go back."

With that, I leaned in closer to her, making her close her eyes, but I stopped.

To gaze on her face.. I cant believe I can see it this close again now.

*boop. My finger taps on her nose, "you thought I was gonna kiss you huh? Too bad" I said in a sing song tone in the end.

She opens her eyes and groans like a kid who had just been rejected to buying snacks.. So.. Damn.. Cute.

But I let out a tiny gasp with the sudden push that she she did making me pinned down the short fence that was beside us.

"what a-are you doing minjeong.."

"I told you I wouldn't hold back didn't i? Oh.. And about your question, heres my answer." She said with the smirk while she looked down from my eyes and to my lips and leaned towards me making our lips collide, I leaned down with our heads sided so it would be easier access, her grip on my waist tighter and tighter by the minute.

I stop for the need of a breath of air while she's just looking at me while smiling widely, "I'm yours."

We ended up staying in a hotel down the road because our destination of the restaurant was too far from our dorm, and it was already late.

We chilled for a bit in the sofa after calling our manager to get an okay from him, even though we were already in the couch cuddling.

Suddenly my phone rings. " that must be our food? Ill go get it." I said as I slowly let go of my grip on her body, "be quick.." She said dragging the last word and ended it with a pout, "alright okay..." I said with a chuckle.

I bring out the sushi- yes we are eating sushi AGAIN, I didn't really want to but jimin really wanted it so.. Anything for her.

I place out the sushi to our table and I turn around to see jimin still pouting, "come back her right now kim minjeong." With that, I end up grabbing the remote and turning on the TV choosing the random movies gat were in the recommend movie sections before making jimin end up tucked under my arms, she was playing with her phone while I was watching which I didn't really mind because of how close she was to me right now was enough.

"Posted." I heard jimin mumble under her breath.

"Posted?" I repeat, looking away from the movie to look down at her.

She looks up at me with a smile and shows me her phone, her weverse post was at the very top showing a picture of her smiling for the camera, her side face snuggled into my arms with my clothes seen. The caption was :

Keep snuggling me so tight Minjeongie, I love it.

"Cute" I said to her as she giggles and looks back to her phone.

"I'm sleepy.." She suddenly said as she yawns.

"Oh?.. Then sleep jimin, we'll finish the movie another time.

" I don't want to move away from your cuddles!"

"We can cuddle in the bed you know?.."

She looks at me with a suspicious look, was she thinking that I Was thinking.. - "t-thats not what i.. Meant!"

"Huh? What did you think I was thinking about minjeong?" She said with a innocent smile.

"I.. You.. Bed.. That.. Okay I'm going to stop now." I said as I slowly get off the couch and run away to the bed room, hearing her giggles behind Me as she followed me.


A/N : FINALLY DAMN. took you long enough.

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