{16. Starting point.}

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| Winter's Pov |

"Hey, hey.. Its okay I'm here..What happend?.."

Jimin was crying and she was sitting on the sofa hugging her knees as she looked up to me changing her position.


before this I only saw jae wook looking a bit angry as he was walking out of the living room and slammed the door harsh.

"Was it because of that fucking prick? Tell me if it is jimin." She looks at me with those hurtful eyes with no answer, it must be him.

"That fucker. Just wait here okay? Ill-"

"No!.. No don't minjeong.. Just stay here with me okay?.." She said as she held my hand tightly from going anywhere and pulling me to sit next to her.

"O-okay.. What did he do jimin?.." My hand went from her hands went up to her cheek wiping away her tears, while my right hand caressing her hair.

"Minjeong.. I don't know what to do.." With more tears leaving down a trail on her cheeks and her hands to mine.

"Its okay, I'm here we go through this together okay?.. I'm here."

"B-but jae wook.. He said-"

"Don't listen to him. Listen to me. He doesn't know anything jimin, He.. Whatever he was saying, he was just saying non sense, Now listen to me.. Okay?-"

"Minjeong.. Stop.."

"-I.. W-what?.."

Just then, I could see her leaning closer to me.. She was so close.. I could feel her breath touch my nose as I see her looking at my lips.

| Third Person Pov |

God.. I want to kiss her so much..
It.. Wouldn't hurt to?.. Jimin thought to her self

"C-can I?.."

Minjeong nodded and that was all she needed.

Jimin kissed her and oh.. It felt so right.. Everything just came to place, its not like when Minjeong had kissed jimin when she was drunk, no, this was different.

This was.. Right.

The taller backed away to see her reaction but her eyes was still closed.

They open slowly and minjeong looked at her so deeply before leaning in to kiss her more.

They're kiss deepen, minjeong leans in more making her hovering above jimin, then she unconsciously lets her hand go in jimin's shirt and her thumb caressing her which causes the latter to gasp.


As minjeong's left hand goes to the neck and her other goes down to jimin's waist for better grip.

Both of them stop to get more air as they look at eachother shyly.

Minjeong quickly goes back to her original position, embarrassed.

| Winter's Pov |

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.


This is so awkward, kill me alrea-

"I- So.. You said, that we have plans.. Today?.."

"Y-yeah.. I was going to take you out to a restaurant near here because I wanted to talk.."


"About.. Us- i, that is.. If you want to talk about it, I don't want t-to pressure you ofcours-"

"I have my answer minjeong."

"-I really!?" I jumped startled as I was feeling nervous, yet excited for her answer."

"I.. Yes.. Really." She said while giggling as she stood up.


I tilt my head as I was confused.. "But?.."

"I will give you The answer, only if you get me on that date that you mentioned."

"Yes! Ofcourse!?- wait.. Date? Its a date!?"

"If you want it to be?.. Unless you do-"

"No ofcourse! Its a date! Ill get ready- I - ill get ready right now!"


A/N : 😹😹😹😹 ohh to have a relationship like them 😹😹😹😹

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