{14 loving you slowly but surely.}

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| Winter's pov |

*ring ring!

Ugh who could it be calling at this point of time disturbing my sleep!?


Shit, I forgot to call her when I get home when she clearly told me to.. I was a bit distracted playing games with jimin when we got home.


"Hey.. Yeah.. I know I forgot to call.. I was distracted for a bit."

"Was it jimin who distracted you?.."

"What are you talking About." I said as I walk out of my room to grab a drink, it was like at least 2 AM and my brain could not function properly.

"you know exactly what I'm talking about minjeong.."

"I know what you are thinking about but its not that minj- holy shit! You scared me!" I almost dropped my cup while I was seeing that jimin was standing by the table with her pillow snuggled in her arms and blanket still covering her body and on her shoulders.

"W-what happened? Hello??"

"Ill call you back later okay? Sleep minju its already super late to be up." I hanged up and walked up towards jimin bringing my hands over her shoulders.

"What is it? Do you need something? Are you sick? Why are you up at 2AM in the morning??"

Jimin just ignored me and pouted.

"W-wha.. Did I do something? Is there something wrong???"

"Why were you calling minju in this hour?.."

"Oh.. That's why.. I thought it was about something important."

"Hey! It is important! Why were you even calling her??"

I chuckled, was this jealousy infront of me?..

"Whatever, if your just going to laugh at me infront of my face like that you can call her again! Heck, just go to her place while your at it!"

"Wait no! I didn't mean to!" I said while still laughing as my hand came to my stomach because it hurts from all the laughing, I mean who couldn't laugh when the Yu Jimin was pouting from feeling jealous!? I obviously couldn't hold it.

"C'monn don't be like that :(" I moved my hands to her waist bringing her close to me.


"Come on.. Lets just sleep okay?"

"Are you saying we should sleep together?.."

"W-what!? N-no.. Ofcourse not! I mean we could.. If you.. I MEAN! we already slept together a fe-"

"I'm just playing with you idiot, Just come in already."

And with that she led me to her bed.

We might be a little bit in a confusing situation.. But I'm sure she will run to me and give me her thoughts just like she promised. What we have may be confusing, but I wouldn't have it any other way if I could be here right now showering you with hugs and love, loving you slowly.. But surely.
A/N: fluff for today :)

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