{15 unexpected guest.}

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A/N:  I was going to make the story similar to the in real life thingy, but I decided to switch it up a bit with karina being spotted on "dates" with jae wook and stuff like them meeting up happening, just so  theres a little more drama in the story, hope u like it. :]
| Karina's Pov |

"What are you doing here?.." I only just woke up and now I have a surprise in my living room, where I see my manager having breakfast with.. Jae wook..

"Relax Jimin, I invited him here."

"I..hope you don't mind." The man said as he smiled at me so innocently..

"Come sit with us, minjeong was just preparing the tea- oh there she is!"

"Ofcourse.." I said with a forced smile on my face as I sit across infront of the two.

Minjeong was holding a tray with two cups of tea while walking towards us with a unreadable look on her face, but only I could know how uncomfortable she was in this.. Situation..

"Ah jimin, your awake, I only made two cups.. Do you want one? I can make it if you want."

"No no, its fine" I said as my hand went to her arm to stop her and pulled her to sit next to me.

"So.. Jimin, you must be surprised on why I invited him here, well.. We have just been informed that a lot of the media has been suspicious of you both for fake dating.. Now we really don't want to make it hard for both of you but we need to take it to a more intimate level? I could say."

"What are you suggesting?.." Jae wook said.

"I am suggesting that you both could go on 'dates' and what not, it seems like its the most reliable option for now, so I suggest you guys set up a time and date and call it a day."

I could feel minjeong's eyes glared to our managers.

"I'm okay with that.. Unless jimin has a disagreement?"

"No.. I'm fine with it."

"Then its settled! You two can talk it out ill be going now, thanks for the tea yea minjeong?" Our manager said as he stood up and walked to the front door.

"Yeah.. Anytime.."


As the door shuts we were met with awkward silence after with minjeong beside me and jae wook infront of us.


"So, cat cafè down by the street at 12 today?"

.... Cat cafè?.. No.. Wake up jimin! Your a grown adult!

But... It wouldn't hurt to-

"I'm sorry but jimin unnie has plans with me today, can you move it to another time?"

I tilted my head at her in confusion, I didn't know we had 'plans'?..

"Minjeong what do you-"

"Please.. I just need to talk to you." Minjeong said with a sudden whisper that made me shudder with chill running down my spine, her hands move to my waist side gripping me, why did she suddenly want to talk?

"Yeah, its alright I maybe tomorrow at two pm? Ill pick you up.."

"Y-yeah sounds perfect."

"Alright, seems like ill head out.. But.. Can I talk to jimin for a moment?.."

"Ah, yes sure.. What is it?"

"I meant alone?.."

I could feel her grip on my waist starting to tighten.

"Its okay minjeong.. Its only for a little bit." I said as I removed her grip with a sad smile, I knew she could trust me.

"Lets talk in the garage?"

"Yeah sure."


"Does Minjeong like you?"


"W-what do you mean?.."

"Maybe its just me but I mean C'mon jimin.. You cant deny the way you look at her is different from the others, and the way minjeong gets jealous whenever I'm around you... I'm not that dumb jimin."

"And so what if she likes me?.. I'm not sure if it is your business to be poking around here and there."

"Yes but.. When we were at the cafè.. You guys were dangerously cl-"

"Enough. This is not your problem, so please.. I think our conversation is done." I said as I walked away, but a hand stopped me from doing so, I couldn't believe it.

Was he this desperate?

"Get your hands off of me.."


"Enough, we'll just meet at the cafè tomorrow like you said."

"But- jimin, listen to me.. You need to think of your career, if you even date minjeong think of how broken you-"


"Fuck.." He said as he touched his red cheek, how dare him.. Talking about my personal love life situation like its nothing?..

"Jimin i-"

"Get out."


A/N: wrote this at 4AM So, sorry if its messy.. :[

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