47. HER Secret; Like father, like son...

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Even after returning to her room, Yoona could not control her anxiety for a while. 

'But, I... I didn't really do anything with him. I really did, I'm not lying... I... I kissed him, but stopped immediately when I realized he was too young. And at the time, I really didn't know that the boy was... the boy was... him...  Tae...Taehyung...'

Yoona trembled as she remembered Jeon Hyeop's anger upon hearing her confession.  It's a given that him to be angry. Who could dismiss her confession as if it was nothing? 

Even she still felt nervous and trembled when she thought about that day.

7 years ago, on a day when it had been drizzling since the morning, her heart almost stopped in fear when she heard that someone was trying to kidnap Jungkook. She fell into a panic and couldn't even go to the shareholders' meeting that day, which she was supposed to attend. She eventually fainted and had to be hospitalized.

She actually didn't know the details of what happened that day. All she knew that day was that her father-in-law, Jeon Hyeop, seemed to have some plan regarding the general shareholders' meeting. But whatever it was, her entire mind was focused on Jungkook and she couldn't even think about anything else. She woke up and fainted several times, but was finally able to calm down when she heard that Jungkook was safely in the school principal's office.

Of course, she was surprised when she heard that Myungmin had died in an unexpected accident and that Taehyung had disappeared somewhere, but that was all. When she heard that Myungmin was an industrial spy and got into an accident while trying to run away with Tae-hyung, she felt more resentful than sad. Moreover, when Jungkook came home from school and started making a fuss, demanding to find Taehyung, she had a hard time calming him down.

But Yoona wasn't too worried. Although Jungkook was somewhat obsessed with Taehyung, they were still young and she thought that everything would be okay as time passed. She knew her son well. At least she thought so. 

However, Jungkook's obsession with Taehyung was more than she thought, and Yoona could not control her son as he became more and more violent. Still, she could bear it as long as Jungkook was with her. 

An arranged marriage, Yoona knew very well what it was, so she had no expectations about their marriage. 

But although it was a marriage that completely excluded love, Wonho was surprisingly a warm man. Although he was not an affectionate man, he was faithful to her and never neglected his duties as a husband. As time passed, Yoona began to hope that what they shared might also be love. There are many different types of love in the world, and not all love starts with falling for each other, right? She thought that there must be love in the world that piles up like snow, and love that accumulates drop by drop like raindrops.

After Jungkook was born, her hope seemed even more possible. 

So much wealth and fame that everyone bows their heads just by hearing their name. Her father-in-law Jeon-hyeop, who is feared by everyone but is quite kind to her, her husband Won-ho, who is not affectionate but is sincere and responsible, and her adorable son Jungkook, who is very lovely and her reasons for living, her family was literally perfect.

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