Chapter 2: A beautiful dream

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A cool breeze washes over her face and arm, the room feeling a lot more draftier and the air feeling light. Roxanna buries herself under her blanket to try and shield herself from it. However it seemed the drafty air had embedded itself underneath the plush fabric with her. Throwing the blanket from over her face, light surrounds her but it doesn't feel sharp to her eyes. A canopy of purple flowers showering down around her; streaks of light peeking through them.

Roxanna shoots up looking around in a daze, the area filled with vibrant flowers, lush trees and bushes with blooms. It was like spring had come to her a little early, seeing all the sunset of leaves had all turned into lush grass and flower petals. "Where am i?" she questions herself, her best guess being it might be a meadow or a park of some kind.

Confused as to how she ended up sleeping in such a beautiful yet unlikely place. Feeling that it might be some type of dream she pinches her arm and sure enough has no pain. Which left her with the question how was she dreaming when she hasn't even gotten to sleep yet. For as soon as she closed her eyes she had to open them again. "I'll just assume the body wash actually works." Roxanna not wanting to have to think about it any further and complicate things.

Little fine bumps form over her skin, running her hands over her arms; she questions how it's possible that feeling temperature was possible but not pain. Regardless she much rather the slight discomfort of the chilled air rather than having to face pain and risk waking up. Roxanna tries resting her hands on the blankets below, the cotton touch of it beckons her to rest a little more. Wills herself to stay awake, seeing no point in having a dream if she's just going to sleep through it all.

Unable to remember the last time she had been so relaxed, even when she was resting. Always feeling restless, or always having something to do. Feeling a cool breeze like water washing over from a stream she grabs at her blanket. "Shouldn't it be warmer now that it's spring?" Unable to understand why it still feels like autumn. Thinking she might have subconsciously siked herself into liking the cold. Looking down she discovers why, seeing the green floral sundress she was now wearing.

The thin chiffon fabric of the sleeves, doing a horrible job at shielding her. Huddling the pillows around her for some added warmth, resting her back against the tree. Taking in the peaceful atmosphere, yet despite all the colors she can't help but feel that it's a little dull. Looking around, needing something to do, unable to keep still. Finding a basket she could describe as being shaped like a little house. White fabric wrapped along the edge of it, tied at the ends with little bows. One adorning each end of the handle, beside the woven wicker basket was a small retro looking radio. Having a dial face at the front showing the different stations.

Roxanna opens the basket to find that it was filled with sandwiches, strawberry tarts: Sliced fruits of apples, grapes and more strawberries. Along with some glass swing top bottles filled with juice. Besides the selection of things for her to snack on there was also a paint set with small canvases. Roxanna feels that all she was missing now was a camera but finds that beggars can't be choosers. Even if she were to take a picture of it, there was no way of her being able to share them with anyone.

The journalist in her was still a bit disappointed to say the least, for her it was as if she was in a living painting. That gave her an idea, figuring she could try her hand at making her own rendition. Yet she's not very confident with how well it might turn out, as it's been awhile since she'd painted. The last time she'd done anything related to art other than writing about it was in college, when she joined the art club. 

Taking one of the canvases in her hand, she started with making light strokes with the brush. Being careful to not want the paint to come out heavier in some parts than others. Roxanna puts all her concentration in making sure that it's at least decent. Snacking every now and again but doesn't lift her unless it was to change the colors. Green for the grass and touches of yellow and blue for the shading. A rainbow of pastels and warm tones for the petals that all shower the ground and around the surrounding area.

While holding a strawberry in her mouth, a wisteria petal falls on her canvas. Feeling a bit panicked that it might smudge the paint when she tries taking it off. However, she has to admit that by far it looked more like an amateur attempt of Vincent Van Gogh's field of irises near Arles. "Well I never expected it to be perfect by all means." Holding it up to look at it in full view, she smiles though wishing she had a second opinion.

The realization gave her a heavy– empty feeling— a jigsaw missing a piece, being carried away with the fact she was able to dream. Roxanna questioned if her subconsciousness was trying to remind her; that even if she dreams there's no escape for her. No matter where she goes, she's always going to feel disconnected in some way and it will never change. Hands falling onto her knees "There's no easy fix even in a dream." She laments.

Burying her face in her lap, as the picture she made daggles at the side in her hand. Believing that it might have been better, that she'd went to sleep that way she wouldn't have to have to face this reminder. Finding that darkened peace was still peace either way. Getting a ticklish feeling brushing against her fingers, but pays no attention to as it will soon go away. However she feels it again and again, almost like it wants her attention to be drawn to it. Turning her head to the side to see what was this irritating feeling that just won't leave her. Finding that it was a small little fuzz ball of yellow and black crawling over her hand. Roxanna not feeling the slightest bit alarmed, as it seemed to have gotten attracted to the colors of the picture she's holding. "Hate to tell you this but it's not real." Regardless, the bee seems more distracted wandering over her hand as if looking for something. Reasoning that it might have smelt the scent of the fruits from earlier.

Making careful movements not to alarm it, causing her to get stung. Although she's aware she doesn't feel pain doesn't want to risk it. Reaching into her basket taking out a slice of apple, dabbing a bit of honey she'd mistaken for juice earlier. "Wait, do bees eat honey?" she questions, aware that they make it, but never actually heard of them eating honey.

Deciding it wouldn't hurt to find out, bringing the honey dipped slice closer to her other hand. Waving it around a little to entice it, it didn't take very long either. As it follows her hand as she retracts it, placing it down on a napkin for it to enjoy. Roxanna was a bit surprised with how easy it got lured into taking it.Unsure how the little thing is getting by so well, when it accepts things from people rather easily. "Your way of getting easily influenced worries me for your survival." However the little bee doesn't seem to be the only one influenced by the sweet smell. As some light fluttering wings also make their airy landing on the napkin.

"Wait, do butterflies eat fruit too?" She questions, but seeing as they're all enjoying it wonders if she's worrying too much. Their wings flapping in rhythmic patterns. "I'm guessing that means you're happy."

Resting her head on her knees again, unaware of the light smile forming on her face. The soothing sound of music playing from the radio, beginning to make her feel sleepy once more.

Meanwhile, Celine had been fast asleep before the call could hang up. A hand reaches over her to place her phone on the nightstand. The same hand pulling up the covers tucking her in, Celine lightly snores but doesn't stir at the action. The owner of the hand is surprised at how she sleeps so soundly even when tucking her in. Yet wakes to the sound of her friend calling her, seeing it rather ironic. As seeing he wouldn't be a quarter of the way through telling her about his day; for her to be fast asleep at the drop of a hat. She somewhat reminds him of a koala cute but also very sleepy.

Giving her nose a soft pinch "Is Miss Koala's friend more important than me?" a low chuckle rumbles out of him. Celine groans a little, stirring a little as she rolls to the side. He finds it rather endearing how much she cares for a friend who's struggling to give up her precious sleep. Remembering how she walked to almost every shop and street market in the Netherlands just to look for the body wash.

He can't wait till she's able to tell her friend the news as she'd tired herself with excitement all day waiting for her call. He somewhat hoped to catch a glimpse of her friend only getting to see a bob of auburn hair and nothing else. Not wanting to risk compromising her surprise, knowing he wouldn't live it down. He smiles seeing her sleeping face, pulling himself under the covers holding her in his arms. Celine subconsciously snuggles in closer to him, he places a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Angel." 

A/N: Ouuu Celine, wake up and tell us who's that? Don't worry, it won't take very long to find out. But your free to leave your thoughts in the comments about who you think it might be.🤭 Everyone have a good night, morning, evening or afternoon wherever you take your viewing pleasure from. See you all in the next update. enjoy~


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