Chapter 7: Strangerless Stranger

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Marcel starts setting up his easel and canvas, breathing out a sigh. He's happy that he has this place for a creative outlet. Having been occupying his time outside the studio. Unable to stay inside as much as he likes during the days, feeling suppressed just needing something so he doesn't explode. That is easier said than done as staying outside just fueled him with more things he couldn't paint. Being able to do that in his dreams has relieved some of that pressure. Still it's not enough.

While setting down some paints he planned to use he hears the sound of soft music. With it also came laughter, peeking from behind his canvas his eyes landed on the pond, finding the autumn haired young woman there. She splashed around the pond. Laughter sticking to the air like sweet honey. The joy from below feeling contagious, needing to spread that same joy to his canvas.

Grabbing his brush and palette; a mix of light and dark greens for the foliage that hung over with blue mixed in for an even shading. White and cool gray for the shimmering water, the splashes being made and the swans. Brown for the visible trunks and the accents on the ducks as well as a little yellow.

Not only for them but also her dress lightening it up a bit. Finishing it off with an autumn red hiding away the young woman's face. Looking over from his canvas he sees one of the ducks sneak up behind her catching her off guard. It seems she'd walked away in surrender over to the bench. However she turns back to the pond a little while later "Are you aiming for round two?" He chuckles going back to his canvas refining some of the smaller details.

Finding it amusing how someone he's never interacted with before makes him laugh this much. Taking another peek seeing that she has her basket in hand, having a blanket draped over her shoulders. Watching as she lifts her camera and walks off. Curious to know where she always leaves afterwards. Last time she vanished into thin air.

Drawing closer to the hill, there is some second guessing with seeing how tall it really was. "Did I really expect to climb this darn thing?" Roxanna seeing how steep it was. The blame can only be placed on her sluggish thoughts. There's some regret in not taking up Celine's hiking offer that one time. Maybe the experience would have made it look a little less daunting. The abandoned gym membership would have been useful as well. "It shouldn't be too hard right?"

Taking a deep breath before starting on her hike, and at first it really wasn't that bad. "Huh this is more leisure than I had expected." That thought starts to waver nearing the quarter of the way mark, "Maybe it's not too late to consider that gym membership." legs are already beginning to feel sore. A third of the way stops had to be made as it was getting harder to breath. " This is taking a lot longer than expected." Half way up is when it can be said that she's breathing in pepper, legs having gone on auto pilot. "There's nothing leisure about this. I've been lied to." She knows what she got herself into and there's nobody to blame but herself. Once at the top the blanket slips off her shoulders to the ground, as she collapses on the grass. "I'm. never. Doing. That. ever. again." Saying the words between breaths.

One would think that being in a dream would exempt them from pain. However Roxanna feels sore in places she couldn't have imagined were possible. "Note to self order an elliptical." Maybe her subconscious was trying to tell her something, who knows. Tilling her head back wincing when she feels it crick. Spotting a tree with its leaves covering it like a curtain. Feeling that would be the perfect spot for her to seek refuge. Staying sprawled on the grass for a few minutes more before getting up. Having back pain in early to mid twenties is no joke, though she can't speak for the rest of her body. Pushing past the curtain of leaves questioning who was crazy enough to trek all the way up there. Seeing that someone had already set up in the spot, looking to find who it was.

By the edge of the cliff someone was set up painting on a canvas. Setting down her things and going a little closer noticing that's not all was on the canvas. As it held a familiar scene, one she had not been to long ago.

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