Lorena Sobrita

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It's been some time since Marcel had been on the Soprano Boulevard. Usually when he wants to get out of the house he'd just take a walk to the park that's 15 minutes away from the gallery. However it's mostly near afternoon when it's a bit calmer, and he gets to see the sights. Being out at night on the Boulevard is always like a new experience for him.

Bright neon colorful light illuminating the streets and sidewalks. A buzz of laughter and cheers mingled with alcohol and vibrating music. Lines trailed down every sidewalk for the clubs, some persons opting for the bars which are just as packed. Even a few of the local eateries see a revolving door of people. A more relaxed fun filled energy in contrast to the hectic rush of the morning.

The laid back atmosphere mingled with the cool autumn air. Marcel can't help but feel his mind begin to unwind. For him it was like looking at a lively painting of night life, with intricate moving parts yet it sets the mood for the night ahead. He craves to place all the sight of the night on the canvas and try to recreate this scene for himself. Nevertheless he was too far from his studio– his canvas. He'd just have to do with trying to memorize everything he possibly can until he gets back. Never underestimate the power an artist has over their mind when they have it set on something.

Not before long the car comes to a steady stop in front of a top glass, midnight blue concrete bottom building. Silver strips of metal run along the sides and under the edge window of the fourth floor. Black matte strips run up the sides and between the windows of the top three floors; which walls were large windows. Inside through them different arrays of lights can be seen passing by as well as silhouettes of persons who happen to be near the seating area there; some even seen dancing. Between the bottom of the fourth floor window and the top of the third floor was a neon deep navy blue letters with a neon deep red thread design twining through them reading the words Lorena Sobrita.

Lucas and Marcel step out of the car as the music vibrates from behind the door. "Lucas, it's been a while since I saw you, my man. how ya been?" The burly man at the front wearing a black suit and a clear earpiece greets him.

Marcel is a little surprised by what he meant by haven't seen Lucas in awhile. This is his spot after all, knowing he is almost always there when he wants a quick hookup or a drink that eventually leaves him hooking up with someone at the end of the night anyways.

"I know man, just being living and moving with life Jared." Lucas says as they both clasp their hands together bumping into each other's chest before pulling back.

"And look who we have here, modern Picasso. How ya been? I've been wanting to stop by for a viewing but you seem to still have the place locked up. How's everything going on over there?" Jared looks over to Marcel all too eager to see another of his favorite Attendees.


However Marcel seems to get stuck on one word. He doesn't understand why, maybe it is linked to something he can't remember? He can't tell yet he feels irritated with being called that for some reason.

"I couldn't tell you, ideas all being tangled up in the mind." Marcel says having come out of his thoughts for a moment before being pulled back in.

"Really man that sucks, and here I am needing some art enrichment in my life." Jared says half jokingly

Lucas notices that Marcel seems to have gone somewhere else in his mind and tries redirecting the conversation.

"So tell me Jared what's you been up to late." Lucas asks

"Oh nothing new, computers by day and the clubs by night." Jared says talking about his freelancing job. "Though I have been offered a big contract lately." Jared adds as some patrons walk through the door the music blasts out as they pass by the trio.

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