Chapter 10 : Blurred Sunset

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A Brush gliding over a canvas that was once blank,now made into a beautiful scene. A myriad of bright hues blended to create the end to another day. Vibrant oranges, mellow yellows and a soft mix of pinks and purple. All coming together to create a beautiful fruit cocktail sky. Marcel stood by his window holding, brush in one hand and palette in the other. "For the last time I'm not doing any interviews." A yes what to add to this colorful blend but a restless Lucas pacing around the room. Making it hard for Marcel to focus, getting rather annoyed.

"Are you sure this could be a good way to promote the gallery? Just think about it." Lucas tries to persuade him as he moves frantically back and forth like a pendulum on a string. "I thought about it, the answer is still no. Besides we have a blog so no need." Marcel doesn't understand why he even bothered to ask. As they both know that's something he'd never agree to in the first place.

"That's not going to be enough. I bet nobody even remembers it existed. In fact, when was the last time you updated on that thing?" Lucas finds it ironic he even mentioned that dusty old blog. As he's the one that had avoided it after the typhoon had hit. At the time when it was most active there were many positive supporters. However all he could focus on at the time were the negative ones that were buried under them.

"And? That's not going to change my mind. Besides, can you stop moving around so much? I'm getting dizzy from you doing that." Lucas understands why he keeps rejecting the offer but he needs to see this as an opportunity presented to him. Feeling this might be his one chance to at least have someone in the press on their side for once.

"How can you be dizzy if you're not even facing my direction?" Lucas saw that what he had said made no sense. Wondering if the smell of the paint is going to his head.

"You don't know how dizzying your presence can get." Marcel makes this cheeky comment in hope that it will continue to deflect the topic. Maybe even get him to leave his room, so he can finally have his space. Lucas seems to catch on with what he's trying to do.

" Try as you might but I think it would be of benefit to have some connections in the media." Lucas sees him pausing his brush knowing very well that what he says is correct.

"No, reporters and journalists alike cannot be trusted. It's best to stick with what we already have." Marcel doubled down on not wanting to accept doing the interview. Although he can't remember much about the last two years but just thinking of it he can still hear the shutters of cameras going off and voices asking him a million questions at once overwhelming him.

"Okay have it your way then. But Incase any more journalists or reporters want to reach out to you again; at least take my contact information off of the blog." Lucas tired of getting incessant calls and emails. Finding it rather frightening how whoever is on the other end won't give up.

"Why should I it's of no disadvantage to me anyways." Marcel says making it seem like it's not a big deal. Which Lucas could argue to be the complete opposite.

"One, obviously you're at any disadvantage because I'm the one having to deal with the incoming calls and emails. Two you have the admin credentials so please for the love of all things good change it." Marcel just continues swiping his brush acting like doesn't hear him. Thinking it's better that he doesn't have to deal with not being disturbed when he doesn't want to be.

"Ignore them, they'll eventually get the memo that I'm not interested and never will be." Lucas is astonished at what he said, finding it ironic that he says that seeing as he's not the one bothered by it.

"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING." Lucas shouts, finding it unbelievable that he can't even see reason right now.

"Well good then so there should be no problem then." Marcel continues working on his painting. If there was ever a time Lucas had wanted to smack his friend in the head it would be now.

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