Chapter 20: A story for another day

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Roxanna slumps down on her couch feeling bored having nothing to do for this weekend. She'd already organized all the notes she'd compiled together and set up where the pictures need to go. It has her contemplating if the interview section would really be needed after everything she has in addition to Lucas' testimonies. After having been debilitated for most of time after starting her monthly. It makes her believe it was just her hormones giving her the feeling that she was attracted to Marcel to the point she was hearing things. She's just glad the worst of it is over now, the first day being the hardest.

Then that leaves her with the sense of what to do for the day "Should I just try a new recipe?" Shaking her head after realizing there might be a big mess to clean up afterwards "yeah let's not worry about it." She then wonders if she should just take a nap but doesn't want to risk being unable to fall asleep later.Frustrated, she shouts "why is there nothing to do?" She somewhat wishes she could go back to the Gallery feeling like she could spend hours there.

However she has a feeling it's going to be difficult as she has a feeling that Lucas would be a bit hesitant. "Why is it when I'm not busy, there's nothing to do?" Feeling herself get more and more frustrated, then she hears her phone ring, looking at the Caller Id she thought "Celine you are a godsend" then answered

Celine: Hey are you busy right now?

Roxanna: Unless sitting on my couch doing nothing qualifies as busy then no.

Celine: Well that's new, or are you just messing with me?

Roxanna: No, I'm actually swimming in my riches of free time right now. Please spare me something to do.

Celine: Well then would such a rich lady as yourself want to meet with me and my fiance today?

Roxanna is a bit surprised not really expecting that's what Celine had in mind. However, as long as she doesn't have to sit bored out of her mind for the next few hours.

Roxanna: Sure, what time and tell me where we're going so I know what to wear.

Celine: Solaria Restaurant so pick something classy. Also I'm coming to pick you up as we speak.

Roxanna: Wait now? As in right now?

Celine: Yes, now be ready by the time I get to your apartment building.

The call hangs up and Roxanna bolts to get ready in a bit of haste. Usually she hates short notices that have her rushing like this. However this time she's not complaining, she's just not sure on what to wear. Having no time to try on what looks decent enough for such a restaurant decides to settle on a cream collar silk button shirt with beige high waisted pants. Looking in the mirror she says "this should work '' hearing her phone ding again seeing a text from Celine.

Celine: I'm outside

She throws on her coat and leather ankle boots and heads down "Seems like my cab for the evening is here" Celine laughs "just get in he's probably already there by now.'' Roxanna opens the passenger side door sliding in "is that anyway to talk to your passenger. Don't go expecting any tip from me." Roxanna says Jokingly

Celine fake gasps "Then i might have to ask you to step out." The both of them look at each other before laughing. Celine slowly pulls the car out of the lot before driving off. " Anyway i'm so happy that you'll finally be meeting him. I've told him so much about you."

"All good things i hope." Roxanna says with a chuckle between the hushed murmurs of the radio.

"If you can define stories of our time together in High school and Uni as good." Celine says and Roxanna turns to her feinging disappointment.

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