Say yes to the dress

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Roxanna, relieved that the heaviness that weighed over her had dissipated. The recent sleep she had been getting has improved her well being quite a bit. Not to mention in time for her to join Celine wedding dress shopping. Slipping on her brown turtleneck sweater and thin plaided trousers. Having a feeling that Celine might already be waiting downstairs for her. Quickly slipping on her ankle boots and overcoat and heads out the door. Surely enough there Celine was waiting in her red Volkswagen virtus.

"I was a bit worried you wouldn't come down." Celine teases as Roxanna sometimes has a tendency to make plans and then cancel at the last moment. Though it isn't really her fault. Roxanna smiles as she walks closer to the vehicle.

"And be a flaky maid of honor? Never." Roxanna half jokingly as she goes to the passenger side of the vehicle opening the door.

"I wouldn't blame you if you said you couldn't come. Knowing your situation and all." Celine feeling happy that she's finally able to have a day out with her after so long. Although Roxanna's feelings are a little mixed as she is also glad to have a day out with Celine but also feeling guilty for not telling her that her situation might be clearing up. Then again what if she told her and it acted up again. Would she become untrustworthy in her eyes?

"Keeping secrets are we? Isn't that untrustworthy enough?" Roxanna's inner voice finds it ironic that she doesn't find her withholding information from her as being untrustworthy. As Celine would probably continue to think that whenever she's unable to attend anything it would be due to her insomnia.

Roxanna tries not to pay attention to the words of her inner voice. As this has been the only time in a long while where she can actually enjoy her day off for once. Without having to worry about how she's even going to roll herself out of bed, or being buried under revisions. As a matter of fact the only times she can remember ever coming out of her apartment is either for work or groceries.

"Chose a song for our shopping trip." Celine suggests they put on some music. Roxanna opens her phone looking for a song to select. Finding just the one for their little drive to Carlina drive. They both sang to You will always be the one by Loving Caliber, like too high schoolers just on a drive to the mall. Turning up the music; they both had a jam session at the stoplight. The people in the car next to them wondering if they are crazy or having seizures. With them bobbin their heads and turning to each other singing.

Celine and Roxanna don't seem to notice the audience they had for their little private concert. Being in their own little world haven't done anything like this since they were in college going out to grab a drink every now and again. The light turns green and they drive off singing on the top of their lungs to Taylor Swift who's afraid of little old me. Their audience left baffled only to finally move off them selves when the car behind them blares their horn.

They continue this at two more red lights, putting on a show they never knew they were. Having no cares in the world at that moment other than just enjoying their time singing together. Finally pulling up in front of a white brick column wall building, with two pillars standing at the edge of the concrete sidewalk with a long awning running over from there back to the building's front door. Four large store front windows displaying beautiful royal like dresses on mannequins. The building was about three shops wide, and two stories tall. Sat in between a flower shop and a book store. A large sign in cursive lettering writing Harriet Boutique. Just looking at it you'd believe it was a shop to belong somewhere in Manhattan or on the main streets of Paris. It has a classiness to it that feels only someone that's high profile could shop.

The inside was no different, it was as they'd both walked into some billionaire's walk in closet. On the walls were sections like closet hang up with ambient yellow show case lighting shining down on them. Mannequins all dressed in fine lacing and beads dresses that shimmer under the bright open spaced lightning. Some sporting fluffed ballroom like skirting; while others contour to the shape of the mannequin before flowing to the marble grained flooring. They all seemed like headless debutantes in a fancy party.

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