Chapter 18: A similar lens emergency

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Lucas is anxiously waiting for Marcel to stop stalling and leave the gallery. However he seems to have a million different excuses for not wanting to go. Frustrated, he shoves the keys in Marcel's hands. "Here the faster you leave, the faster you can get it over with." Lucas practically shoves Marcel out the door.

Lucas understands his reason for not wanting to leave. He'd also encourage him to stay and not think about it for his own mental well-being. However this is not any other day and needs him out asap. "You know I think I might have left the stove on." Marcel says, trying to head back through the doors.

"Nice try, you already checked and I checked it with you now go." Lucas held him by the shoulder, spinning him to the car.

"I think I forgot my phone. Yeah that's it." Marcel says wanting to get out of the car.

"You mean the phone that's literally in your hand?" Lucas questions feeling impatient.

"Ah well would you look at that, you're right. Then it must have been my watch then." Marcel says but Lucas slams the door shut.

"On your wrist, just please for the love of god just go. You'll have less to worry about if you just leave already." Lucas having had enough of his back and forth.

"Alright you're right I'm going. Just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. And not bringing hookups to my gallery." Marcel not getting why he's so riled all of a sudden.

"I told I–" Lucas sighs "never mind just go, maybe you'll make it to the soiree in time to slip past in time to go unnoticed by your folks acquaintances." Lucas says glad that he's finally starting to drive off. He watches the blue pick up disappear down the road before he locks up the gallery and heads to his car.

He feels like he's already lost enough time as it is. Having a feeling that Roxanna might already be waiting at the designated spot they'd agreed upon. He's not sure how he's going to explain his reasoning having her wait for this long. He's hoping it won't create any bad implications for her to write something negative in her article. As he knows that sometimes media personnel can be quite petty. Especially with knowing what power they have and to use it to their disposal.

He makes his way down to Crescent Ave. He stops a few blocks down from the bus stop where she said she'd be waiting but doesn't see her. He wonders if she hadn't arrived yet or if she decided to take the bus ahead. He decided to send her a text.

Lucas: I've arrived at the bus stop. How far are you now?

Sent 11:22 am

He didn't have to wait too long for a reply hearing his phone ding.

Roxanna: Really? Where are you? I don't see you?

11:22 am

Lucas is confused until he looks at his rear view mirror. He finds her peeking her head from the right of the bus stop.

Lucas: I'm in the red Lexus just a few blocks down.

Seen 11:23 am

Lucas sticks out his arm and waves. Roxanna looks up and sees it.

Roxanna: Okay I think I see you now.

11:23 am

He sees her walk overhauling a camera, a bag slung across her and a book bag. "You seem to have taken your time their Mr Everhart." Roxanna says as she gets in the passenger side door.

"Sorry about that, I got a little caught up in something before coming here." Lucas says, a little nervous not wanting to go into detail about the real reason.

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