Chapter 14: Unexpected Promise

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Elaine had found herself evading Andy the next day, not wanting to face him having not been able to make a decision.Though avoiding him wasn't as hard as she thought as she'd crossed paths with him a couple of times. Each time he didn't seem to notice, not to mention seeming a little lukewarm. Which leads to the other reason why Elaine wanted to avoid him feeling a bit embarrassed. As she believes she witnessed something she probably wasn't supposed to at the bar last night.

Elaine spent that whole entire night making sure that her 9 co-workers didn't end up doing anything too crazy they'd regret later. Not to mention trying to prevent them from all ending up with alcohol poisoning even though they were all on their 11th bottle of Campari and Captain Morgans. She was having trouble with Jasmine and Timothy, especially trying to get up on the table and perform a concert.

While grabbing Jasmine by the waste she looked up and saw Andy sitting by the bar counter talking with someone. He didn't look too pleased with being there to be perfectly honest, as he watched his companion down a glass before flagging down the bartender for another. Sobriety was nothing but an imagination for her co-workers to have noticed. Heck it would be a miracle if a quarter of them remembered how they even got home. Not to mention some embarrassing things that they'd said and did inebriated.

Things that would probably make them all want to jump in a hole and simply pass on. Maybe it's for the better as it doesn't seem whatever exchange he had then was all that lighthearted. As she's seeing him walk away she hears the other guy shout "We both know you can't!" Stopping Andy in his tracks caused him to turn back to the bar and sit down. What couldn't he do? Elaine isn't too sure but by the cocky grin on his companion's face and the way he patted his shoulder when he sat back down told her it mustn't have been anything good. She wonders if he got caught up in something shady and is unable to cut ties from it.

Although she barely knows the guy and is never one to judge someone too quickly. The rumors around the building as well as what happened at the bar makes her believe she's not too far off. In fact, having felt that it was strange that they lived in the same apartment building and never interacted, ever since that night he dropped her off. She tries not to think about it too much as it will lead to overanalyzing the situation.

Roxanna herself also noticed he'd been a bit despondent today. Although she's glad that she gets a breather from him bothering her and squeezing her energy out of her. But the change feels a little sudden and not sitting right with her a little as he just seems so spiritless than she's used to. She doesn't have to dodge him as he walks right past her which throws her off a little.

Especially when she and Elaine decide to go to the break room for some coffee, Elaine starts to agitated when she sees him. Roxanna wonders if Elaine knows something. At lunch they both decided to eat at the cafeteria, Elaine gladly accepts of course finally having a chance for them to eat together. Holding their trays they both look around for some seating Roxanna notices that Andy and two other guys from his department that he's always with were sitting at one of the longer group tables.

" Let's go sit over there."Roxanna points her tray in the direction of Andy and his other friends. Elaine follows in the direction that she's pointing and get a little fidgety. "Are you sure? Maybe we can find somewhere else." Elaine hesitantly says not wanting to sit by Andy.

"I don't think we have any other option. The double seats all seem occupied." Roxanna not understanding why Elaine is so reluctant to sit over there.

"Ah.. Okay let's go." Elaine says, unable to find a proper reason to decline.

They both headed over to the table and sat next to Andy and his friends. Roxanna took the seat next to Andy while Elaine took the one across next to Keith and Felix. Roxanna sees that Andy doesn't react and seems a little withdrawn; she doesn't understand why seeing him like this bothers her so much.

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