Should I be concerned?

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Celine has been noticing that Lucas has been checking his phone more than usual. Also seeming to go from annoyed to stressed everytime it goes off. She's become concerned about what's up with him lately. Considering his history, it's some crazy ex or fling turned stalker situation. Looking up at him as the cuddle on the couch watching a movie.


"Yes Angel?" Lucas rubs her arm wondering what it is she needs.

"Is there something bothering you lately?" Celine inquires in hope he will tell her what it is.

"Not that I could think of, why you ask?" Lucas answers, eyes still on the TV.

"Are you sure? Because you seem a little stressed out these days." Lucas holds her a little closer.

"Maybe I have been but it's nothing for you to worry about." Lucas says

"Are you sure? because if it's some crazy old fling I believe that's much to worry about." Lucas grabs the remote pausing the movie looking at her confused. "What are you talking about Angel?"

"So how crazy are we talking, seeing as you contemplated changing your number two days ago." Celine says wanting to know what she's to prepare for and if her number might need changing too just in case.

"Oh Angel no. That has nothing to do with any crazy fling or anything of the sort." Lucas was not sure where the misunderstanding was coming from.

"Are you sure we don't have to look towards getting restraining orders right now? Because I can ask my brother for help with that." Celine insists on making sure not wanting to have it end up being in a cause that they also have to move.

"No, this is nothing you need to involve your brother in. Let me explain." Telling her that some art Journalists want to get in contact with his friend. However because his contact information had been put down on the website he's the one getting endless calls and emails instead.

"Oh so that's what happened." Celine was relieved that she didn't have to change addresses or get her brother involved.

"Yes I have but I think I've got it all sorted out now." Lucas is glad to have that cleared up. Knowing if she made a call to her brother he would never hear the end of it.

"What do you mean?" Celine is a little curious as from experiencing it through Roxanna. Knowing well enough that journalists can be quite persistent. Once seeing her trying to get in touch with a difficult artist for two months straight until they relented to meet with her. Always finding that part amazing yet frightening at the same time.

"Let's just say I agreed to having him and the journalist having a meeting." Lucas felt rather proud of himself.

"Wait, you got him to agree to it?" Knowing from what he's told her about his friend not really liking media personnel very much.

"Oh, that's the thing I haven't told him yet." Lucas lifts up the remote getting ready to unpause the movie when she stops him holding his arm.

"Don't you think he should know seeing as it's something that has to do with him?" Celine enquires not seeing this going anywhere good. He kisses her on the top of her head resting back. "I've got this handle, trust me." Celine still doesn't think it's a good idea in what he is doing but sets it aside for now. Settling back against his chest as he starts the movie again.

A/N : There too sweet for me, I take my whiskey lEaN~ Lucas I'd talk to Marcel if I were you cause, my writing isn't gonna save you.  Anyways hope you all enjoy and leave in the comments what you think. Later~

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