Chapter 25: Sweetly Shy

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Smelling the warm buttery scent of freshly baked goods, Marcel opens his eyes to see that he's sitting in a bakery. The cozy feel of brick corner columns, chalkboard wall menus, edison bulb lights hanging down from the ceiling. Wooden counters and shelves packed with a variety of breads and pastries; wood panel flooring and round tables with heinrich chairs. He hears a courteous voice from behind him. "Welcome to painter dream Bakery sir, what can I get for you today?"

Marcel turns around seeing Roxanna by the cashier's counter in an apron and baker's uniform. He gets up and walks over to the counter, "I'd like an order of your finest Roxanna. If you don't mind."She's a little astonished by his boldness not seeing a hit of shying away or embarrassment. "Sorry sir, but I'd suggest you stick to the menu."

"That's too bad, I was kinda hoping you did." Marcel cheekily replies with a smug smile. She can't tell if he's serious or just joking with her right now or even what he's thinking when he says those words.

"You know, you could always try being a comedian." Roxanna says, trying not to overthink his words. Knowing they could mean just about anything with him.

He leans in closer and says "Well, I would have failed at my job then." Marcel can see the surprise dancing across her face, he too wonders what she's thinking right now. He playfully teases her not wanting to hide his emotions, finding her reactions cute. Roxanna clears her throat "You wanted to bake didn't you?"

"Indeed I did, so it seems you bought the whole bakery just for me." Marcel says "Are you trying to be my rich CEO?" Marcel says playfully.

Roxanna doesn't know how to answer that. Also she didn't know he knew such cliches. She can't really find it in herself to commit to the playful bit. "Just come back here so we can start." Roxanna says, walking her way through one of the doors.

Marcel doesn't know what happened having hoped she'd join in on the banter. He follows her through the wooden swinging doors, there he's greeted by a warm kitchen. A prep counter by the window and an adjacent sink, across the room were some industrial fridges with regular home fridges along a white wall. Along a wooden panel back wall there was a stove, an industrial oven and well as a brick oven." I think I might have overdone it."

Roxanna says, which makes Marcel believe that she might really be the one In control of these dreams of his. "No, I think it's perfect, just as good as the real thing." She too wonders if he's aware that it's a dream as well. Then again, does that mean he's also aware, he's only a part of her subconscious? Roxanna doesn't know how to feel about this seeing his words of him saying he wanted to go where she does in a different light.

Marcel notices the dark cloud forming over her. Unable to know what's wrong, wondering if it's something he might have said. "By the way, I never knew bakeries allowed their customers in the kitchen." Marcel says bringing her out of her thoughts.

Roxanna tries putting on a smile and says "Well, this one makes a few exceptions. Anyways, let's get to baking." 

 "Figured out what we're making for the customers today?" Marcel asked, and she looked at him blankly for a while before answering "not a clue, you choose."

Marcel thinks about it then remembers something from a baking show he's been wanting to try. "What about raspberry cream puffs?" Marcel asked, having thought they looked good but never could make them himself.

Marcel doesn't know what to make either. He thinks about all the baking shows he's seen then gets an idea. "How about raspberry cream puffs?" Roxanna hums in affirmation "That shouldn't be too hard, I can work with it.'' She rolls up her sleeves,"wait, can you actually?" Marcel is astonished as he sees her walk over to the sink to wash her hands grabbing a saucepan off the overhead drying rack.

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