Chapter 23: The night is still young

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Roxanna and Marcel enjoyed the outer worldly experience of floating between the stars. Them being in their own little galaxy of stars. Earlier they had originally planned to see the stars; when they saw a poster board talking about an observatory behind the planetarium. Marcel is not sure if Roxanna's decision had changed seeing her enjoying the interstellar display. "You still want to go to the observatory?" Marcel asks, wanting to see where she is on that plan.

"It may be nice being among the stars but I'd like something more genuine. So yes, I'd still want to go." Roxanna says, holding her hand up to one of the holographic stars. "I have a feeling it would be just as breathtaking, even if they're a little farther away." Roxanna looks up at him.

"Come on then let's go, we can't have the stars waiting then can we." Marcel says smiling.

They both made their way out of their star field and followed the signs out to an outdoor walkway; it led up to a building with a large dome as it's roof. A section of it is missing but they don't see the telescope whatsoever. They went inside and were even more amazed. It was as if they'd found themselves in a magic tower from shows and movies.

The dome ceiling was a midnight blue sky, filled with constellations. Giant metal globes suspended in the air with metallic rings around them some narrow and others thick. They seemed like nuclears atoms but prettier and without the possibility of exploding. Etched on them were Greek and roman calendars and astrology charts. Gold star ornaments also hand down from the ceiling and small telescopes perched on pedestals close to the ceiling.

In the center of it all stood a humongous telescope that was as tall as a 4 story house. Its thicker end is facing towards the opening of the roof. To say they were amazed was an understatement; they believe that they'd traveled worlds to get here. The walk over to the telescope felt small compared to its size. "You have any idea how to work a telescope? A ginormous one at that?" Roxanna questions, as the only time she'd ever come in contact with a telescope, was in someone's dorm back in uni.

"Not a clue, but I think we can figure it out... I think." Marcel says, feeling like it shouldn't be that hard. However, he's not convinced that he'll know how to work it.

"That doesn't sound too convincing. Are you sure we'll even be able to figure it out without breaking it?" Roxanna questions, aware that it's a dream and there are no consequences; however she won't feel that good about destroying what is essentially public property.

"Believe me if I know anything, it's accidentally figuring things out." Marcel says, seeing a skeptical look on her face... "Look through the lens and tell me if you see anything while I toggle the knobs." Marcel says, though he's not sure what knob does what. Afraid he might touch the wrong one.

Roxanna is still skeptical but gives it a shot anyway. After a couple of minutes Marcel asks, "You see anything?"

"Not really it's a bit blurry" Roxanna says, only able to make out the shape of something.

"Okay how about now" Marcel says, turning a knob close to where she's looking.

"Still looking like an out of focus camera." Whatever she's looking at seems to emit a soft yellow glow. Making her hungry as the light reminds her of butter.

"Maybe this should work." Marcel says toggling the knob some more to the left.

"It's even more out of focus." Roxanna says, looking away for a moment. "I think we should just give up, it doesn't look like it's happening." Roxanna had only gotten hungry from whatever it was she's supposed to be looking at. Feeling a little discouraged that it's not going to work.

"Let's just give it one more go then we can stop okay?" Marcel encourages, not wanting to give up that easily; determined to give her a breathtaking view.

Roxanna looks back at the lens giving it one last shot, after a few minutes of seeing nothing but a frosty image she then spots something. "Hold on, don't touch anything else." Roxanna says, causing Marcel to lift his hand off the knob. "What, what happened? Did you finally see something?" Roxanna was too afraid to speak lest the sight in front of her disappear. Taking hold of his arm bringing him closer to look, stepping aside a little.

He bends down to look at the lens, a golden view of the moon adorned with its large freckles; he felt similar looking at the moon in a visual aspect. "It's amazing right? Who knew seeing the moon this close would be so ethereal?" Roxanna says unable to believe it when she saw it. " It is, but I thought we were looking for stars." Marcel says, he's not complaining but he was kind of expecting something else.

He looks up seeing their faces are a little close together, finding him unable to breath with her smile. Roxanna is oblivious for a few moments "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Marcel doesn't know how to answer. Roxanna takes a few moments then her face flushes red; stepping back a little.

Both feeling that it was a bit warm all of a sudden decided to head outside for some fresh air. They both walk down some steps at the intersection of the corridor on a long grassy stretch. It was like they were in their first dream where they met on the hill. The only difference there isn't an abundance of colorful flowers or lush bushes and trees. Marcel helps Roxanna down the last few flights of steps. He feels his heart in his hand beating, looking to see if she noticed.

However, the face she carries was neutral, he feels a bit disappointed; though he's glad she doesn't feel how nervous he felt. The cold night air sweeps through them, Roxanna happy their clothing is a little warmer than the previous. They look up, seeing an array of stars as well as a colorful show of lights stretching across the sky. Enamored by it, having no need to take a picture this time. Roxanna felt her mind had enough film to store in the sight.

They lay in the grass, marveling over the sight above them. "Had we decided not to bother coming, we'd have missed this wouldn't we?" Marcel says, finding it amazing that the sky endless finds ways to paint itself.

Roxanna looks over to Marcel seeing his face light up with rich brown eyes sparkling along with the stars. "It would have been a shame if we missed something this spectacular" to which she just hum giving a soft yes while still staring at him. "Wouldn't you just want to look at it forever?" Marcel asks, Roxanna's eyes soften "Yes, I would." Then she poses the question "Is there's somewhere you have in mind of wanting to go?"

"Anywhere, you'll go is where i want to be as well." Marcel hadn't planned to say that looking over to her. Unable to tell what she's thinking, wondering if she found it weird.

" That's nice and all, but is there somewhere you'd been wanting to go specifically?" Roxanna asks, seeing him take a moment as if to think something over only for him to say " I already gave you my answer." Marcel says before turning back to stare up at the stars again which makes her a little disappointed having expected something else. Though she can't rule out the fact that made her a little flustered. "Get yourself together woman. He didn't mean anything by it." Roxanna mentally slaps herself before turning back to face the stars as well.

"It's sad that I'll have to wake up from this moment." Roxanna says, smiling up at the stars. Marcel stands up from the grass; Roxanna wonders what he was about to do, when he reaches out his hand to her.

"Do you care for a dance under the stars?" A bit cheesy it is but Roxanna chuckles a little, taking his hand.

"Sure but where's the music?" Roxanna asks chuckling

"Don't worry the stars will sing for us tonight." Marcel says, "I hope you can hear them, because the night is still young for us."

A/N: Chessy? Yes, love it? yes also. And come on who wouldn't want to dance under the stars.

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