Chapter 8: A Lost place

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"So miss Mona Lisa muse what is the story behind your smileless smile?"

Marcel without giving it a moment as he sat down. Obviously he's not asking for her whole life story. Though it wouldn't hurt to get to know his muse a little better.

"Again with the Mona Lisa really?" Roxanna wonders if it might be some fixation rather than ego. "Does this guy have an obsession with it or something?"

Marcel rests his hands against the grass and shrugs. "Don't worry about that. Come on, tell me."

"There's nothing to tell, it's just an off day." Roxanna, unsure why he's so interested to know.

"It seemed more than just an off day." Marcel is not convinced, he has a hunch that there's something more.

"No simply an off day. Also why are you saying that like you know me?" Roxanna questions finding him odd.

" I don't know you, that's why I'm trying to get to know you."

"And why exactly? we're not particularly friends." Roxanna having taken out a grape from her basket eating it.

"You don't have to be friends to get to know someone. Besides, I know your name." Marcel says finding this conversation rather funny.

"That's all you're going to know. And it's not going to make a difference." Roxanna eating more grapes off the vine. She doesn't understand what's wrong with this guy. Not sure where his head is at. Artists can really be weird and unpredictable at times. Shaking her head.

Marcel takes notice that she's pulling out some chips from her basket. "Hey, do you mind sharing some of those?" Roxanna looks at him then points over in his direction. "Don't you have a basket of your own?" Roxanna not really feeling like sharing. "Yes, but it's mostly paint supplies." That is a lie as he doesn't really know what is in his basket. Having never really bothered to check. However she doesn't know nor need to know that. Well not right now at least.

Roxanna, dumbfounded, how can someone make that hike and not carry any food. Feeling like he should have known better but who was she to judge. Also he did share his spot with her when he didn't need to. "Okay fine." Reluctantly she agrees to share some of her chips, sharing some out from her basket, adding a small drink with it as well.

Not realizing that one of her polaroids got stuck to the back of the plate. It falls between them as she hands over the items. Marcel notices "oh what's this?" She sees a curious look dance across his paint speckled face. Which she can't help comparing to a glazed terracotta pot in a new Zealand exhibit that she wrote an article on once. Having also bearing unique patterned blotches and colorful speckles.

Looking at it's a picture of one of the ducks. "It seems you've gotten a picture of your attacker." Marcel says jokingly

"Really how are you sure it's that one?" Roxanna herself couldn't tell any of them apart. So how was he so sure?

"Well I would remember the face of anyone who'd pull a sneak attack on a friend of mine." Marcel grins as he takes a sip of his drink. Finding it quite refreshing yet sweet. It's a wonder how dream snacks could taste this good.

"We are not friends." Roxanna not understanding why he doesn't get it.

"Ouch, how could you say that after sharing your food and name with me." Marcel says dramatically, holding unto his chest.

Roxanna feels like something is definitely wrong with this guy. She sighs, shaking her head "forget it, so are you sure it's that one?"


"Then come by the pond next time and let's teach him a lesson together." Roxanna is not sure why she's saying all this. Nevertheless it doesn't seem too bad of a deal, seeing as she was out numbered last time.

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