Chapter 24: Hehe i'm in danger

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Marcel finds his mind wandering back to Roxanna's words asking him where he wanted her to take him next. He's eager to find out how she'll make it work wondering if she might be the one responsible for where they go. He tried doing some painting in the last piece but he can't keep his mind off her. "I wonder if she's really going to take me there?"

Thinking again "When was the last time I went out just to enjoy myself?" Marcel has been aware that he always goes out to distract himself; for a while he'd been feeling trapped and defeated in his own home. Filled with so many questions he doesn't have the answer to. He remembers the day he decided on making his bedroom double as his studio. Remembering saying to Lucas "I think an art studio would work better in here." That day he and Lucas had hauled all his painting equipment from the second floor to the third.

How exhausted they were afterwards; Lucas saying he never wanted to do that again. Marcel on the other hand is ecstatic. He also remembers the many times he'd had creativity blocks; he'd make last minute trips somewhere to light a spark to his candle. Lucas would be calling his phone asking where he went only to meet with a simple ' I'm just on a little trip, I'll bring you back something' to which he would angrily call and text him to which he'd mute him every time. Marcel laughs now when he looks back wondering where those days went.

He'd never been like this before; he wonders what changed? Thinking back on Lucas' idea of opening the gallery for little send off of his current paintings. " Why did I lock away the gallery again?" He tried to remember but the memory is pushed so far back without a hint of what it could be. "If I was meant to remember then I'd remember." he says to himself shaking off the thought.

Lucas walks in through the door at this exact same moment; he says to him with no hesitation "How do you feel about doing a send off of the pieces down stairs, before changing them out?" Lucas wonders what's gotten into him seeing as he's the same guy that turned down that idea a couple weeks prior when he had asked him.

"Well, hello to you too, what's with the change of thought?" Lucas questions

"I just thought it might be a great idea to let people in again." Marcel says, he's not seeing what more there is to question about this.

Wondering if it's some kind of joke or test Lucas says, " well whatever you want; it's your gallery after all."

" I knew you would think it's a good idea too." Marcel says excitedly getting his phone.

Lucas is surprised to say the least, realizing "Wait, are you serious?"

Marcel nods "Yup and you're gonna help me set it up."

Lucas is baffled and somewhat excited as well " I thought you were joking."

Marcel turns to him and laughs saying "And you stand corrected."

"Well, what do you need me to do first?" Lucas questioned, wondering what plan he had in mind.

" You can start by contacting that journalist you keep talking about." Marcel goes to his reactivated IG account looking through his messages.

"Are you sure?" Lucas says, not sure if this is some sort of trick.

"Yes, and see If their still willing for an interview" Marcel answers by sending a few messages to some profiles.

"Right away then" Lucas wastes no time sending Roxanna a message then Marcel asked "Another thing I want for you to do,"

"What is it you need?" Lucas questions; Marcel gives him some instructions. Both getting busy with planning and contacting people for the rest of the day.

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