Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The sounds of chairs creaking were the only things to break the awkward silence of the room. Small minor gestures of discomfort. In one big circle we sat on our tiny thrones of plastic, everyone now and again performing a dance of re-adjusting ourselves in our seats as the prison's councillor gazed upon us with her beady eyes. Never missing any details present.

As many of the other woman clad in the usual neon orange fiddled around, attempting to fit in with the new scene, I sat calmly and idly by, watching with a sereneness the others could only wish to accomplish.  

Arms crossed in front of my orange covered chest, I eyeballed Barbwire and her close minions form across the room, as they were the only one's here besides me. Deadly glares filled with fury were aimed in my direction. I could only hold back a snicker as I scanned my works of art. A painter before there canvas.

Bruises of a lilac purple and a deep inky black patched there skin together. Personally, I think the colours make there tattoos more flattering. If anything, I improved there looks by a mile.

They don't agree.

A wadded up and crumpled tissue, provided by the infirmary, was held by the prickly Barbwire, soaking up the blood that continued to weep from  her broken nose. Her five followers were very much in the same state.

The left side of my mouth curled into a small smirk. That will teach them to pick on the small people. Now I know what many would think, 'Oh my god! You beat them up!' Well.... no. That's not the case. In fact...... I never so much as poked them with my pinkie.

Let's just say...... Karma is my new best friend.

Crenshaw's very own councillor acted as my very own protector, as at the moment she was the only thing keeping Barbwire from leaping across the room an strangling me to death. And I think she just figured that out as well as she pulled her crisp, clean colour away in a display of awkwardness. "Right, okay why don't we try and release the negative energy that seems to have appeared in the last couple of minutes, and release some of the tension and anger that is held between you ladies. "

It was in that moment that I realised this woman was one of those....... how do I put this...... Oh yea! 'Be gone evil spirits so that mother nature can continue to thrive and grow! Go flower power and weeds and all that shit because I smoke pot, but since I have a bachelor's degree in psychology I just call it therapeutic smoke that shall clear your senses and cleanse your aura!'

One of THOSE woman. Yea you now the one's I'm talking about. The one's that would kill you because your eating a hamburger in order to save the rare and endangered pig.

Kill me now.

If this woman asks me to meditate, I'm gonna walk over to Barbwire and help her choke myself to death.

Her strangely soothing voice interrupted my thoughts, "Okay, I can tell that you ladies have a lot of anger being bottled up inside of you." Her gaze mainly focused on Barbara and her bitches. "So what I want us to do, to release that, is start with a simple soothing exercise."

That's it! Barbwire here I come!

Just as I was about to leap out of my seat and offer myself as a sacrifice to her, did the councillor turn her trained eyes on me. "Kat, why don't you give the exercise a go first so the others can see how its done, since you seem to have a good hold on your temper."

Oh hell no!

Barbwire snorted. "Yea good luck with getting that one to talk. The little bitch only opens her trap when she finds it convenient. Trust me, I know."

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