Chapter 16

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Authors note: Hi guys! I know I have left you hanging for quite a long time up until recently, but my life is super hectic right now due to exams but alas I'm having a small break and have found the time to update my planned chapters!!! Yahoo! Not the site anyway! ANNOUNCEMENT! I hope to have his book finished soon so i can upload the first parts of my NEW BOOK!!! Yes you read me right! So keep an eye out for it its called: 'How to get your Dream girl'
It is a Romance comedy naturally and I know you guys will love the characters!!! So keep an eye out within the following weeks!!!

Chapter 16
Stalkers POV

The chair I threw across the room smashed into millions of pieces against the wall. Fists  clenched in fury, I struggled to reign in my temper.

"Justin!" I screamed. "Get your ass in here!"

Dressed in the uniform black hoodie, Justin came scrambling in. Some may remember him, but not very likely. He was Mr.Popular at school, rich boy or rather son belonging to a rich family due to its Gem Gallery. But almost two years ago, was robbed by the infamous thief, Minx, or as I know her, the soul sucking life ruining daughter of a killer.

Or more simplified Kat.

The one I had nicely tucked behind bars until I wanted her out. But no, she's the one piece of the puzzle I can't seem to force into my perfect picture.

I hate defiance.

If she doesn't start playing the game by my rules, I might have to remove her from the chess board altogether.

"Did you get the names?" I drawled lazily.

"Yes Boss! Diego, Santiago, Twitch, Dominic, Stitch and Glitch." Justin dutifully reported. I waved a hand while raising an eyebrow. He just stared at me confused with a blank face. I could practically feel the sweat on his forehead as he panicked, not being able to comprehend what I wanted.

"Yes And?"

Still nothing.

I rubbed a hand across my face. "Great I've hired an inbred who's mentally deficient, not capable of understanding a simple request!"

Justin jumped at my raised voice, "Was there more you wanted to know Boss?"

"Well duh!" I slurred. Sighing I rubbed a hand through my hair. "Well do these men who took my little Kat have last names as well? It would make searching through the database a whole lot easier."

He looked uncomfortable. Taking out a pice of paper with writing on it he said, "Well yes its just....."

"Spit it out!" I said growing more irritated.

"Their last names are really hard to pronounce," he mumbled. But I got the gist of it. Snatching the piece of paper from his hand, I scowled, "Give it here! It can't be that hard! Let's see.... Uh! Diego Drakgvmmm-" I flubbed up the rest of it.

He's right.

Their names are impossible to say out loud.

Not giving on that he was right I state in a matter of fact way, "Well no wonder why it's hard! Your handwriting is that of a toddler! You can't bloody read it anyway! No wonder pronunciation seems impossible!"

I waved my hands around trying to imitate his scrawled writing. It wasn't actually that bad, I could read it fine. Just Mexican names are hard! And long!

Whoa.... Two words that should never be used in the same sentence.

Chucking the paper to the side I just decided to type in his name instead. The glow of the computer lit my face, casting shadows across the walls.

"Lets see what secrets you hide! Ooh! This seems interesting! Story time oh how I do love stories!" I fake pouted, "Looks like another broken toy. His little brother Tommy was murdered! But here's a twist! Diego was arrested and put in prison for the murder of his brother!"

A joyful laugh escaped my mouth before coming to a halt, "Wait a minute..... His father was in the UFC with Kat's father.... Friends?"

Seems I might be able to add yet another piece to my chess board.

Yet another member of the next generation to battle it out in this little game of mine.

"Uh Boss?"

I groaned. "You're still here?"

"Just thought you would like to know that everything's in place for the warehouse but...."

"Again with the butts just say it!"

"Lola has been captured and Reef is the one now holding Kat."

Lounging back into my other chair, I wondered out loud, "Interesting.... I'll see what I can do with this new development to be placed in my favour. Maybe somehow lure the Kat here!"

I marvelled at where my thoughts were heading, re arranging plans. Slowly I started to see a picture forming quite nicely.

"And what do you want to do about Lola?"

"We leave no sources out in the open."


"We. Leave. No. Sources. Now get it done."

"Oh yea? And what about your brother Caleb? He's a source just waiting to have the right pressure placed on him before he can squawk in that prison."

"Don't worry about my brother Justin. His end has come."

"But you haven't sent anyone out?" He questioned.

"He's family. It's more of a personal matter. No, I'll deal with it personally."

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