Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Kat's POV

Everything was silent. Floating in darkness, I could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing. Maybe this is what peace is, nothing but being lost within one's self. Trapped within your own mind, left to ponder your own thoughts.......

Never mind. I think I'm just describing hell. Am I dead?

A sharp object poked my wounded shoulder. Jolting awake, on instinct I slapped the back of someone's head making them drop the sharp object.

"Ouch! God dammit. You look cute and tiny but you my friend have one deadly hit!" Came a whining voice from beside me. Looking over, now fully awake and alert, I took in my new surroundings. The rounded roof brick ceiling lead me to the conclusion that we were nowhere above ground. Perhaps in an abandoned tunnel. A portable bed was set up, and I was currently spread across it, one of the triplets sitting beside me, and the person I had just slapped.

"Where are we?" I asked, cutting to the point.

A proud filled smile engulfed his face. "We my fair lady are in the abandoned railway tunnels underground. Diego carried you here after you passed out from blood loss.Pretty cool huh? Diego was the one who thought of living down here, that way no one will ever find us or you for that matter-" he rambled on.

"Bro," another triplet entered. "Do you have any idea how serial killer like that last part sounded?"

"Oops! Sorry." A light blush coloured his cheeks. Sticking out his hand he said, "My names Stitch and my brother over there is-"

His brother cut him off and shoved him off the chair he was occupying, placing himself in it. "My name is Twitch. Gun man extraordinaire!" He waggled his dark eyebrows.

Sitting upwards, I inhaled a sharp breath as pain laced right through my shoulder. "Whoa there easy!" They both chimed. Easing me back down, Stitch exclaimed, "Careful girlie, you've been shot."

I raised an eyebrow. "No kidding. But doesn't matter." I waved their hands away, and got up from the bed, rolling my injured shoulder. Although it hurt, nothing compared to the pain of being tortured. So this? This was nothing to me.

Both of the boys freaked. Shouting at me to stop in case of further injury. Looking at my shoulder, my orange jumpsuit had been rolled down and tied around my waist, one sleeve of the white singlet I wore underneath, bloodstained and torn. A crisp white bandage was rapped around my shoulder, stabilising it.

"Stop your worrying, I'm fine." I spoke, interrupting their little mothers spiel. "Where's your other third?" I asked.

Gaining their interest they both jumped and spoke at the same time, "You want to meet him? I'll get him!" And just like my older brothers they began to argue, mimicking each other without even trying. "No I'll get him!" Pushing and shoving each other all the way out the door, I waited until they were out the door.

"Well that worked." Getting them out of the room was easy, I used to play tricks like that all the time. Walking over to the table that sat at the back of the room. I scanned for the object that had caught my eye. A Manila folder sat out in the open, begging to be read.

Curiosity picked, flipping it open, I was shocked to see my own face staring back at me in a picture. All kinds of personal information was spread all throughout the folder. Faster and faster I flicked through the pages until the last page faced up. An un-opened letter sat there.

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