Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Reef's POV

Sitting on the chair beside my bed, I watched quietly over the unconscious girl inside.


The one female on this earth I couldn't read. Everything she does contradicts my personal thoughts, constantly changing my perspective.

I don't know what's to think.

According to the police and the rest of society, this tiny girl, in her peaceful slumber, is a psychotic killing machine.

And yet.......

My eyes flickered to watch my little sister. Kneeling on the other side of the bed, curiosity at its best, watched over Kat like she was her personal guardian angel.

She could've been dead right now.

And yet.....

The clogs inside my brain continued to turn inside my brain, no sense of peace or reasoning coming to light. If what everyone says is true, then why go to all the trouble of breaking out of a gangs holding cell, to save the little sister of the man who wants to kill her, only to then return and end up back where she started?

It just doesn't make sense!

Unless there is an ulterior motive. I get why she did it, to gain my trust. But little does she know, I sent trust anyone these days. The only person I can count on is myself, despite the few exceptions, these people being Megan, Chris and Kyle.

No expression covered her face, her piercing green eyes hidden from the outside world. I couldn't help but have this sense of déjàvu, as I waited for her to open those eyes.

But no matter how innocent she looks, I could never trust her. She's a liar. I suppose it runs I the family. Clenching my hands into tight fists, anger boiled at the direction my thought were heading.

My mum......

"She's so beautiful," Megan whispered, gaining my attention. She looked fascinated, gliding a small finger down the side of Kat's cheek.

"Don't let looks fool you," I said. She shook her head, "No, you don't see it big bro, she looks....."

A list of words came to mind, deadly, innocent, evil, pretty- but none of those prepared me for the one that slipped past her lips.


Shock hit my system, shaking me to my core. What is it that my sister could see that I couldn't?

"What do you mean?" I whispered. Not wanting to break her concentration or ruin her train of thought. Delicately, Megan lifted Kat's hand, measuring it against her own. Holding it up to the light, another wave of shock hit my system.

Millions of tiny silver scars, Criss crossed all the way up her arms. A hidden pattern of harsh slashes, decorating to cover almost all of her skin.

"She reminds me of when I broke my doll," Megan continued to explain out loud. "It was that porcelain doll, when I dropped her she shattered into millions of pieces. I remember you sitting at the kitchen sink for ages, slowly gluing her back together."

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