Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Those caramel eyes. How could I have not seen. He was exactly the same!

Sought of.....

That young boy who had once held my hand all that time ago, in that drab hospital room, I'd never lost. He had found me, and had been standing beside me this whole time for the past year or so.

How was I so blind!

All this time, my saviour had been poking fun at me, making jokes, smirking at me in that irritating knowing way of his, flirting, chasing me down, trying to kill me.....

Ok, now I'm staring to see why maybe I was a little blindsided. Although he had saved me, he had changed. Intent on destroying me, there was no argument there as the plain hatred and disregard he held for me now, burned bright underneath his skin.

All these revelations pounding into me, one after the other, a never ending horror movie playing over and over. The weight of the shock, heaved on top of me, forcing my body to scrape down the wall as my legs could no longer hold me. Diego watched all of this. His cold exterior reflecting my own inner turmoil.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he came over and crouched down in front of me. "I'm guessing there is a whole lot more to your story before the kidnapping." As the words left his mouth, he slid down to sit beside me. As if the force of this knowledge placed some sought of burden atop his shoulders.

I heave out an ironic snort, "Are you guessing or stating a fact?"

Acknowledging one of my questions for once, he replied, "Stating. It wasn't hard to deduce from all of THAT," he waved a hand towards the roof, gesturing to the previous scene. "That you two have history. And a bad one at that."

"Wow," I used jazz hands to highlight my sarcasm. "You deduced that from the evidence did you there Diego? Or did you read it from a file somewhere letting you in on all the private details of my life!"

Not impressed with me, he snorted, (something I thought he wasn't even capable of doing! But no. Apparently he is human and has the same bodily disfunction's as we do),"I just stated a fact, no need to go get all emotional. We need to keep being level headed to get out of here."

I retract my last statement.

Having enough of his, ice cold heart that leaks no emotions, I was determined to get some sought of proper human reaction from him. Flipping onto my hands and knees, I started crawling towards him. Catching onto my movement, he in turn started scooting backwards. This didn't deter me, where he scooted I crawled.

To an outsider we would look ridiculous, like we were playing some kind of strange game of tip. The Baby edition. Since we were crawling around like toddlers.

I could tell Diego was feeling uneasy and uncomfortable, as his eyebrows quirked inwards, furrowing his brow. As he was going backwards he didn't notice until it was too late, that he had backed into a wall. Crawling quicker, I lunged so that I had his hands pinned above his head. He wiggled to try and get out of my hold, but my determination spurred me on, providing me with a hidden strength I didn't know I had.

"You listen here Mr. Ice heart! I am a girl! and yes I know it's inconvenient for you, but we have emotions! But guess what? So do you! And sometimes it is ok to feel," I had no idea if any of this speech was getting through. As his face was completely blank, devoid of anything.

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