Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"We need your help."

The air around the three of us was dead silent. Those four little words that Chris spoke hanging mid-air. Showing no emotion, I kept a blank face as my gaze flicked back and forth between the pair. They too watched me, studying me with a curious fascination, as if I were some type of science experiment.

As tension swarmed the table, I raised a brow, "You're kidding me right?"

They sat back in their chairs letting out heaving sighs. It was that heavy sigh a mother would give when about to tell their child that 'hey you know that guy that comes down the chimney once a year? yea? Well you know what? He's not....'

I think you get the drift.

Basically, I was about to receive an ear full of bullshit. And do you want to know what the most tragic thing about this situation is? I have no choice but to stay here and listen, as un-fortunately I'm currently chained like a dog on a leash to this chair.

Chris, the brave soul, was the first to break the silence. And the first to test my patience. "Kat, we're not kidding. We need your help. Reef, needs your help." He stopped after mentioning his name, almost as if he was testing to see how I would react.

Well, sorry to disappoint, but I wasn't going to chuck some raging hissy fit. I waved a hand, the handcuffs clattering against the metal chair arm, causing for their attention to be suddenly drawn towards the fact that 'hey!' this wasn't some friends reunion. In fact, one of us was actually convicted for a crime!

I continued anyway, choosing to ignore this. "What? Is this Hogwarts or something? The he who shall not be named? I'm not gonna flip out after hearing Reef's name." After rolling my eyes at the immatureness, it was my turn to sigh, "Ok let's just go from you need my help. Blah, blah, blah- skip to the good part, you're putting me to sleep."

A sudden growl erupted from Kyle. Lurching across the table, he gripped the front of my jumpsuit and pulled, tightening the collar. I stayed calm even though I could feel my neck muscles constricting, closing off my airways.

"What is wrong with you? We tell you we need your help, that Reef needs your help and your sitting here having a giggle while our loved ones are in danger," he growled. It was quite cute actually. He was like a little golden retriever yapping at tree.

Receiving no reaction from me, he let me go as he released a disgusted snort before storming off. I watched after him and his golden head of hair as he went to go sit at another table on the far side of the visiting rooms. Returning my attention to the remaining visitor, I stuck a thumb in Kyle's direction, "What's up with Mr. Rainbows and Unicorns over there?"

Chris leant forward rubbing his chin. "Don't mind him. He's just in a shitty mood because he almost got blown up by a car bomb."

"Car bomb?"

His blue eyes looked deeply into me. "Like I said. We need your help-" I cut him off, "Okay, you see this is where you lose me. You keep saying you need MY help. What could I possibly do? If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly in a position too." I gestured to the prison around us and once again jiggled the cuffs.

As he spoke his next words, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pile of small notes, and dumped them onto the table in front of me, "Because I think that exactly one year ago, you were in the exact same position we are in now."Glancing between the pile and Chris, I reached forward and plucked one note from the pile that Chris kept pointing at. "That one's about you isn't it?"

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