Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Think of your worst nightmare. Then times the awkwardness of that situation by a thousand! Although this isn't my worst nightmare, not by a mile, I never thought this would be a situation I would ever personally be in.

Currently, I was precariously perched on one of the stools' sitting opposite a very grouchy, and sleep deprived Reef. The gleaming silver, of the kitchen bench being the only divider in this equation. Matching Reefs' poisonous glare, Diego stood leaning against the doors' entryway, arms folded across his broad chest.

Thankfully, his cool gaze wasn't bearing down on me, rather watching with a cool, detatched curiousness, his eyes flicking back and forth between Reef and I, like a scientist studying the tactics used between predator and prey.  After all, Reef was finally about to get the interrogation he always wanted, my frazzled state providing stuttered answers.

Similar to Diego, Reef flicked his own gaze back and forth between myself and the tall brooding figure in the corner, that watched over the two of us with nothing but the ice blue colour of his eyes to provide warmth. Pfft! The thought of Diego ever being warm and cuddly with anyone was enough to make me laugh.

Diego being well..... Him. He noticed the corners of my mouth twitching in amusement. Raising his dark brows in question, this then caught Reefs' attention. The bubble that had so far been containing his anger  burst.

"Will someone start fucking talking? This silence is driving me insane!" Reef snapped, slamming the side of his fists against the kitchen bench. The sudden vibration of his outburst sending shocks through the surface, making a tingly feeling crawl along my own hands. Lifting them up, I silently rubbed the irritated skin.

I opened my mouth, no words would come out. I had no idea where to start. Letting out a long breath instead, I shut my mouth. An incredulous look graced his face, throwing his arms up, again he was the one to break the silence, as unlike me I doubt Diego was quiet due to a lack of words, but is using his sudden muteness as a tactic.

"Okay, how about we start off with who the hell is this guy?!?" Reef all but screamed.

Again, I opened my mouth only to have my vocal chords fail me. Several times, I tried to croak out some form of a reply, only to fail. Sitting back, I spoke with all seriousness, "You know....-" Reef leaned inwards, his eagerness shining clear. "I have no idea."

Letting out a groan of disappointment, he fell backwards into his seat. Rubbing his hands down his face, he then said, "Well you must know something about who he is as you know his name, and he clearly knows you, as he attempted to save you."

Holding up a finger, I stopped his next sentence, "Actually, kidnap. He was trying to kidnap me back."

"What?" Reef asked confused.

"Well, technically, YOU kidnapped me from my original Kidnapper," I tried to demonstrate with half-hearted hand gestures to further my explanation.  A spark seemed to light his eyes, as he then turned to Diego with a look of clarification.

"So YOU'RE the one who broke her out of jail."

Diego only continued his part time vow of silence, refusing to confirm or deny Reefs' findings. In an attempt, to ragin his attention, I slowly started to slip out from my seat,planning to makerun for it. "So now that this is done, I think its' about time, I head off-"

"You are forgetting something," Two large hands appeared from behind me, pushing me back down into the seat. "You are still my prisoner Kat." Reef came round to stand beside me. Leaning down to reach my ear, he whispered, "I want answers."

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