Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


The echoes of bored whistling bounced off the cement grey walls, a common trait shared within the fine accommodation of the downtown county precinct jail. I sat alone behind the cell's bars, tapping my un-polished nails against the rusted metal. Each cell it appeared to hold captive some type of musical prodigy, as the bored whistles, finger tapping, toe shuffling lyrical notes formed to make a refined tune that mirrored the blue vibes of the precinct.

Voicing these thoughts with my traditional sarcastic irony, I spoke towards the officer who watched over us from his low budget desk, "You know, I think we prisoners are on the brink of being discovered as talented musicians. Heck! I think we should form a band!"

The officer glared at me, "Shut it kid."

I waved him off, "No, no, now listen. I think I'm onto something here." I looked off into my own world with a dark smirk twisting my lips, "We could be called.... 'A Band of Misfits!'" I then directed my gaze back to the officer in question, he looked at me in disbelief. "Catchy no?"

He shook his head and gave a wry chuckle, "You're crazy kid." Humouring him, I gave a small smile and tutted, "Now, now, its pronounced 'psycho' thank you! Can't have you running my reputation with these cutesy nicknames."

"Whatever, " he said, coming to a stand. Picking a package off his desk, he stalked towards me and slid, it between my cells' bars. I didn't move as I watched it slide across the floor, only coming to a stop when it touched my knee where I was sitting cross legged.

Poking it, I wasn't too sure if an animal was contained inside, "What is this?"

"A gift," came his sarcastic response.

"Aww," I think I saw it move. "You shouldn't have." Letting out a breath of air, I un-crossed my legs form its pretzel position, and nudged it's brown coverage with my toe. Retreating just as fast, I chucked my hand up in the air, "Yea um excuse me? I would like to return it!"

"Just open it," he all but growled. Chucking a nasty glare his way, I decided to roll up my sleeves and act like an adult. Ripping it open, I raised a brow, "Really? A care package?" I couldn't help but snort. Pulling out the itchy blanket, that would no doubt have fleas, I tossed it on the bed before pulling out the rest and dumping it on the floor.

How long did these guys think I would be here?

Clucking my tongue, I picked up the soap bar and held it delicately between two fingers for show. "Well, I definitely won't be dropping this any time soon." The officer seeing what I was holding, couldn't hold back a laugh even if he tried.

"We're only look out for ya.'"

My snort was loud. "Ya'ha! Ok."

"Despite what you believe, the system is in place to protect you young ones-" I zoned him out as the security monitor on his desk  caught my eye. The screen was divided into four eight sections, each displaying a section of the precinct. My heart skipped a beat, as my eyes focused on one particular section.

Reaching through the bars, I desperately grabbed the guards attention. "You need to lockdown the precinct. Now!"

"What?" He cut off his speech to follow my gaze that was glued to the monitors' screen. He cussed, reaching for his radio, he called in favours, rattling off security codes like nobody's business.

Except I was the only one who seemed to know it was too late. I watched in terror, as the group of hooded figures took out the front doors, taking out multiple officers at once. Knowing I had to move now, I snatched the pant leg of the officer and pulled him until fell backwards onto the floor. Extending my arm further between the bars, I ignored the painful squeezing sensation that surrounded my shoulder as I snaked my arm around his neck, cutting off his airway. Keeping my hold until he stopped struggling, I then released him to fetch the cells keys from his pocket.

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