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Felix P.O.V

"'Could that be Han jisung?!" I thought.
After that a flashback hit me.

No one's P.O.V

Start of flashback

(Felix is 13 years old in this flashback and Han is also the same age)

Felix rang the doorbell. While he was waiting, he looked at the gift bag that he was holding with the left hand.In the gift bag was a chick plushie and a book with photos in it. There were photos that he made with Han this summer break.Han sent him text that they should exchange gifts, but why?

Before Felix could think anymore reason why they should exchange gifts, The door opened. Han's mom opened the door." Hey Felix, how are you?" I'm good ma'am and how are you?"I'm good too and don't call me any of that ma'am, just call me Jessie." Ok, so can I come in?" Felix asked." Sure , but the living is a big mess and I apologize for that. I didn't expect someone to come." Han's mom said.

"Oh it's alright it can't be that bad" Felix said. As he walked into the apartment his eyes widened. There were luggages scattered on the ground, clothes everywhere,many gadgets on the coffee table and there were kitchen equipments and food on the kitchen counter.

"It really is a big mess" Felix thought to himself. He went through the hall to Han's room. Felix knocked on the door. He heard how Han struggled getting to the door." Han probably has a big mess in his room too." Felix thought.

Han struggled getting to the door of his room as he heard a knock. As he opened the door he saw Felix. Han gave him a warm smile before welcoming him in his room.They both sat down his bed. There was an awkward silence between them. Han didn't know how to break the bad news to him.

" Uh...Han?" Felix asked confused. "Yeah!"He accidentally said out loud. He then realized that he startled Felix." Sorry Felix...I just...I just don't know how to tell you this." He said making his voice lower after every word." Han what is wrong? You can tell me everything." Felix said rubbing circles around his back.

"My...my.." Han hesitated saying, that his voice started cracking. "I promise I won't be mad" He told Han in his soft,calm and comforting voice. Han always felt comfortable with that kind of voice. Instead of with his deep voice like."I PROMISE I WON'T BE MAD👹👹👹."

"Well I just heard from my parents...that...that...that my grandma died." Han said with a cracking voice and then bursting into tears."Felix immediately hugged him , comforting Han."Shh, don't cry everything will be alright" Felix comforted him.

"And the worst thing is , that the funeral is held on Saturday." Han muffled in Felix T-shirt." So that means..."Yeah that means we're going to fly back to South Korea tomorrow."Han said sadly, tears still streaming down his face. Felix started crying too." Oh Felix, please don't cry because of me." Han comforted him and hugging him.

They both cried their eyes out until they couldn't feel like crying anymore." So should we exchange gifts?" Han asked sniffling." Sure, here's your gift" Felix said handing him the gift bag." Omg this so cute Felix" Han said as he got the chick plushie and the book with photos out of the gift bag." This chick plushie's name is Bbokkari and the book that is also there is full of photos , that we made this summer break." Felix said giving Han a warm smile." Thanks Felix." Han said giving Felix a warm smile back.

"Anyways here's my gift" Han said handing Felix a box full of things. "Wow...Han." Felix said inaudible. Han was scared that Felix didn't like the gift. "What? You don't like it?" Han said worriedly. "No I don't like it...I LOVE IT!" Felix said screaming out the last three words." Really?" Han said surprised." Yeah I love it! But why so many thinks?" Felix asked.

"Well when we started to be friends, you gifted me many things. Like literally everyday. And I wanted to repay you by buying many things , that I know you love." Han answered." Aww, Han you didn-"No I had to" Han interrupted Felix." You always told me that when I bought gifts for you. Felix I had to do this, because your literally my number 1 best friend. I never had a best friend like you. Sweet,nice,comforting and so lovely."As Han finished his sentence, Felix immediately hugged him. Suddenly Felix heard a school bell ring and he felt a warm presence. He then hear Han asking confused."Felix?"

End of flashback

Felix P.O.V

I looked up wanting to know where the voice came and how the person knew my name. As I looked up my eyes started to fill up with tears."Han..is that you?" I said with a high pitched voice."Gosh that voice was so embarrassing."I thought to myself."Yeah it's me!" Han answered. I felt how he hug me tight hugging me back." Oh my god...Felix it's really you. I missed you so much." Han said sniffling."I missed you too" I said hugging him tighter. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Tears full of pure happiness.


I think I'm going to update the next chapter today or tomorrow. I'm going to work on the chapter the next day.

- Corlylex💝

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