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No one's P.O.V

Felix was walking down the empty hall with dark circles under his eyes, feeling exhausted. He couldn't sleep last night, because of the nightmare he had two days ago. He was awake all night, trying to find the meaning of it. The nightmare was aching his body.

Was it a warning, that Moonyoung was trying to get Hyunjin wrapped around his finger? Was it trying to tell him, that Hyunjin has a new love interest and moved on from him. Or was it trying to tell Felix, that it is too late for Felix to be in a relationship with Hyunjin?

"Good morning or should I say bad morning." Said Sanghoon.

Even though Felix had a better life in Seoul, it didn't mean that he wasn't bullied. At first they were friends but everything turned up side down, after just being friends for one week. A rumour went around, saying that Felix slept with his boyfriend, Hyunjin. At first Sanghoon didn't believe it, until his friends told him. That's when he started to hold a lot of hatred into Felix.

He started to bully him and spread false rumors about him just to belittle him. The fucked up thing about the bullying was, that Felix didn't even knew that he had slept with his boyfriend and that he couldn't report him to the teachers, since his father was the principal of the school. But it didn't affect Felix so much, since nobody believed the rumors of a sunshine hurting someone and he had his friends on his side.

"I don't have time for you right now, Sanghoon." Felix was about to go but he was suddenly pushed on the floor directly on his face, leading to a nose bleed. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes, as the pain started to struck in. Sanghoon lifted his head up, making him look at him.

"Listen you little homewrecker. You stole my boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend." Felix corrected him, which would always anger Sanghoon.

"SHUT UP!" Sanghoon slapped him across the face.

"Why? Is it because you don't want to talk about the fact that Hyunjin loves me more than you?" Felix would usually plead right now to be let go but he wasn't on the best mood today. And when he isn't on his best mood he gets sassy.

Sanghoon fists went white, as he clenched them hard. He wished he could punched them in Felix's face multiple times, until his fist were full of his blood. But he wanted to do it in a way without dirtying himself.

"Since you're so fearless, you wouldn't mind if I slam your head continuously against the locker, until I'm done spelling homewrecker." Felix eyes went wide, as he said that.

"W-wait, Sanghoon plea-"


But before Felix could plead, his head got slammed against the locker.




"S-sanghoon, I'm sor-"





Sanghoon stopped slamming his head against the locker, as he finished spelling the first syllable. He lifted Felix face up, meeting a bloody mess under his nose. Blood was leaking out of his nose non stop. The tears that threatened to fall out of his eyes few minutes ago, finally got out.

"Aww. Does it hurt right now?"

Felix nodded weakly, because of the pain that would hurt the most, when he moved his head.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now