The Festival

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

Felix and I were getting ready for the festival. While he was showering I was packing his favorite snacks in a bag, but I got interrupted when I heard him scream.

"AHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" I heard him screaming in his strong deep austrialian accent. I rushed to the bathroom to see what was going on. As I opened the door I saw Felix standing on the toilet seat. Thank god he had a white robe around his body.

"What is wrong?" I looked around the bathroom trying to find a bug that may have scared him." THAT!" Felix pointed at a little spider that was just chilling at the upper left corner of the shower." Felix it's just a little spider. You have nothing to be afraid of it." I said trying to calm him." JUST A LITTLE SPI- whatever can you please just take it away?" Felix asked with puppy eyes.
" Ugh, Fine" I sighed.

I slowly took the spider on my hand. I was about to bring it outside, but I had an other thought in my head. So as a joke I slowly came near to Felix with the spider in my hand." Woah Hyunjin Hyunjin HYUNJIN!". Felix screamed. He jumped off the toilet seat, running to the bedroom. I followed him there and saw how he tripped falling on my bed. I started walking towards him, but then I tripped on a piece of clothing, accidentally letting the spider fall off my hand. It sadly didn't survive though, because I accidentally stepped on him.

I fell on Felix making him groan at first, because of the weight that was on top of him. I lifted my face to make sure that Felix was okay. He looked like he was trying to catch his breath multiple times." Are you ok?" I was worried that I hurt him." I'm ok the running just made me exhausted." He said still trying to catch his breath.
" Running from the bathroom to the bedroom?" I asked smiling at him." Oh you shut up." He playfully hit my chest.

We looked for a while in our eyes.
"Damn he is so beautiful. His angelic face, his freckles scattered like stars, His brown hazelnut eyes and his lips shaped like-" "Hyunjin?" a voice interrupted my thoughts. I didn't notice that I was still hovering over Felix, just staring into his eyes." I think I should start dressing up." Felix said trying to not look into my eyes. I noticed how he was blushing."Oh sure." I then stopped hovering over him.

Felix's P.O.V

As hyunjin went out of the bedroom, I kicked my legs in the air while rolling in his bed and screaming in the pillow at the same time. I felt joy overfilling my body, a tingling feeling in my toes and I felt how my face was getting more red, because of the screaming in the pillow. I've only had this feeling once in my life. I never knew that it would come back one day.

"Could it be...?Wait no no no! I can't have a crush on Hyunjin! I've only met that guy yesterday." I thought."What if I really have a crush on Hyunjin? Because those feelings...I never felt them again since my last crush...Ok that's enough thinking Felix! You have to get ready for a festival and Hyunjin is waiting for you." I then stopped thinking about it and dressed up for the festival.

At the festival

Finally after a 30 minute drive, We arrived at the festival. My eyes widened as we walked into the center of the festival. There
were different stands, lanterns hung up, a lake was nearby and I also noticed that there was a secret passage to a field.

 There were different stands, lanterns hung up, a lake was nearby and I also noticed that there was a secret passage to a field

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