mixed feelings

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No one's P.O.V

Felix felt how he woke up on a soft bed. But Hyunjin wasn't bedside him. Felix felt how he was feeling uneasy when Hyunjin wasn't near him." Why am I feeling like this?" He thought. Felix went to the living room trying to find Hyunjin." Oh your up!" Felix shook at the sudden voice." Oh my god Hyunjin! Don't scare me like that." Felix said."Sorry. Scaredy cat." Hyunjin mumbled the last to words."Hey I'm not a scaredy cat Hyunjin!" Felix pouted." You look so cute when you pout." Hyunjin chuckled.

Felix cheeks got red after those words." And you looks also cute when you blush." Hyunjin continued chuckling." What-ever let's just eat breakfast." Felix said as he already smelt the smell of bacon and eggs.
There was a while of silence between Hyunjin and Felix as they were eating their breakfast. Only the utensils were heard in kitchen." Soooo...got any plans for today?" Felix asked wanting to break the silence.

"No, I don't have any plans for today why are you asking?" Hyunjin asked Felix back.
"Well I wanted to spend some time with you, since we're skipping school." Felix answered." Sure I would love to spend time with you, like I did two hours ago~" Hyunjin said with a seductive voice." No, not li-ke th-at." Felix stuttered feeling embarrassed." Just joking, where do you wanna go?" Hyunjin asked.

" Let's just take a walk around the city." Felix suggested." Sure." Hyunjin said before going into the bedroom. He was already getting changed. Felix followed Hyunjin into the bedroom to change too.

After changing

"Felix put on the coat!" Hyunjin said, slowly giving up."No!" Felix protested against Hyunjin." Please Lix! It may be not cold right now but in the evening it will get cold." Hyunjin said trying to change Felix's
mind." My final answer is no Hyunjin." Felix said, making clear that he wouldn't change his mind." Fine, suit yourself." Hyunjin huffed.

As they went out, they felt a cold breeze hit against their bodies. Hyunjin looked at Felix waiting for his reaction at the cold breeze. But Felix didn't even shake an inch. Felix literally wasn't going to shake an inch because of the cold, after he refused to put on a coat." What? It's not really a cold breeze. It feels warm to me." Felix said as he saw Hyunjin looking at him as he was judging him for not wearing a coat.

The two walked around the city a bit looking at shops. They both came to a stop as Felix noticed a small cafe."Hyunjin?" Felix asked." Yea?" Hyunjin answered. "Could we go into that Cafe?" Felix pointed at the Cafe." You mean Liberty cafe?" Hyunjin asked." Mhm" Felix nodded. Hyunjin took Felix's hand taking him to the Cafe. Felix felt how his heart was beating faster and faster, he could feel a tingling feeling in his body and he could feel his legs wobbling.

As they both got to the Cafe, Hyunjin let go off Felix's hand. Felix felt how his body went back to it's normal state, which kind of disappointed him. So as Hyunjin and him went inside, he took Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin was flustered at the sudden touch of Felix's hand. Usually it was warm and soft but this time it felt cold.

They both went to the table and talked about many things waiting for their order.
" So Hyunjin. Do you have a crush?" Felix asked." Yes" Hyunjin answered. Felix stomach started making cartwheels." What if Hyunjin likes someone else?" He thought.
" Who is it?" Felix asked hesitantly. Hyunjin didn't know how to answer to that question. He couldn't tell Felix that he has a crush on him, after they just knew each other for two weeks." I won't tell you." Hyunjin said." Please! Give at least give me one hint?" Felix begged." Alright. The person is a..." Hyunjin hesitated a bit saying the last word." The person is a...?" Felix said trying to understand Hyunjin" The person is a...a boy." Hyunjin finally said.

" Come on Hyunjin, just tell me the person." Felix said after he couldn't think of any person, of just getting the hint " The person is a boy". " Fine, The person is..." But before Hyunjin could say anything their orders arrived." Your food sir." The waiter said.
" Thanks." Hyunjin and Felix said." So Hyunjin about you- Let's talk about this after eating Lix. Ok?" Hyunjin interrupted.
Felix nodded but he was still impatient. He wanted to know Hyunjin's crush now, but he couldn't force Hyunjin to say it.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now