Comfort person

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No one's P.O.V

"Felix, Minho is calling you!" Rachel shouted.

It was 6:30 p.m. at the Lee's house. Their parents were celebrating their 20th anniversary of their marriage at a elegant restaurant, which left the teenagers alone at home. Rachel was ordered by their mom, to watch out that Felix shouldn't touch his phone, since Olivia couldn't be trusted anymore. He was only allowed to touch it, if he had to do something important on it.



"Hyunjin? Why are you calling me and how did you-

"Felix...I miss you. Can you come over?"

"I miss you too Hyunjin, but-"

"Y'all already start missing on each other, even though you both talked to each other a few hours ago." Said Olivia in the background.

"Shush! I'm sorry Hyunjin, but I can't come over to you, because my parents are going to be back at 7 p.m."

There was silence for a while. Felix was scared that he might have hurt Hyunjin's feelings.

"I'm really sor-"

"N-no, it's ok."

Tears threatened to fall out of Hyunjin's eyes. He understood that Felix couldn't come over, but the dorm started feel so fucking empty without him right now. Hyunjin got tired of reading the same books everyday, going for a walk in the evening at the same park everyday, going to the same bar where he always meets his friend Sung-Hoon, who's from a different high school and what he got most tired from is, crying himself to sleep, because he couldn't keep himself away from the book that his mother gifted him.

He did all of those things everyday, just to keep himself occupied.

"Hyunjin, are you crying?"

"Pfft, no, why w-would you think that?"

"Your voice sounds like it's trembling and I can hear sniffles. You are crying, aren't you?! What happened?!"

"Nothing Felix, I'm-"

"I can't do this shit anymore. Felix, you're right he's crying, because he misses you and he also says that the dorm without you is so empty. So I need you to come over here and take care of him, because Hyunjin seems like he's having a mental breakdown right now and I don't know what to do. And since you're also his comfort person." Minho spoke from the other line.

Again there was silence for a while. Felix didn't know that Hyunjin missed him that much, that he even started having a mental breakdown. He kind of felt guilty, leaving Hyunjin alone at the dorm. But what could he do. His mother found out his secret about hooking up with Hyunjin, his best friend, and now he's grounded for one month, isn't allowed to talk to Hyunjin until he's eighteen (which he already failed) and isn't allowed to go to his dorm for one month.

"Felix?" Asked Minho, as he only heard silence.

"I'm going to be there in 15 minutes!" Said Felix, before he hung up.

"What do you mean you're going to be there in 15 minutes?" Asked Olivia.

"Hyunjin needs me." Felix went to his room to get changed, but before he could close the door, Olivia put her foot in between.

"But you can't be there, because there isn't a school bus driving to the school at this time."

"Shit, you're right. But maybe Rachel could drive me there." Felix made his way to Rachel's room.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now