I already miss him

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No one's P.O.V

The first period didn't even start and Felix already started to miss talking to Hyunjin.
He couldn't even secretly text Hyunjin because his mother took his phone away and deleted Hyunjin's number. She only gave it to Felix when he had to do something important on it.

"I MISS HIM SO MUCH!" Whined Felix loudly.
"This is the fifth time your saying this and the lesson hasn't even started yet." Sighed Olivia.
"I know, but why does it feel like it's been months." Felix whined more.
"I don't know." Olivia shrugged.
"There's Hyunjin!" Gasped Felix. He was about to run towards him but his sister stopped him.
"Felix! You can't talk to him remember? Mom hired someone to stalk us." Said Olivia.

"Fuck..." Mumbled Felix. Tears started prickling down his cheeks.
"Are you literally crying now?" Olivia asked worried.
"Yea, I can't help it." Soft sobs were slowly heard from Felix.
"Hey, don't cry!" Olivia said trying to end Felix's sobbing. But he didn't stop crying.
"I will try finding the person that mom hired. Ok?" Olivia comforted him softly.
A smile appeared on Felix's face.
"Thanks Liv, your the best!" Felix hugged his sister before he went to class.

Olivia couldn't help but let a smile form on her face. She always loved helping her brother no matter what.

Felix P.O.V

I opened my notebook, starting to write down the words that the teacher wrote on the black board. I suddenly got distracted when I felt a hand on my right thigh. As I looked down I saw Hyunjin's hand.

"Hyunjin?" I whispered.
"Mhm?" He hummed.
"Could you please get your hand of my thigh?"
"No." He just simply said.
I tried to get Hyunjin's hand of my thigh but the hand wouldn't budge. So I just let him do his thing, since it didn't distract me much anyways. Hyunjin started massaging my thigh, which made me shiver a little bit.

"Jinnie please stop..." I started begging as I couldn't take it anymore. But instead of stopping he put his hand in my pants.
"Hyunjin!" I accidentally gasped out loud.
"Everything alright by you guys?" Asked the teacher."Hyun-Yep everything is alright." Hyunjin interrupted me.
"Ok." The teacher just said, not even listening what I was about to say.

"You're going to be punished for that my angel." Hyunjin whispered in my ear.

Hyunjin's hand went further into my boxers. I felt his fingers tapping lightly on to my hardened dick, making me almost moan. He then started stroking it softly, making it send a electrifying feeling into every part of my body.
"Fuck, that feels good...~" I muttered under my breath.

"Oh it feels good?" Asked Hyunjin.
"M-mhm." I nodded.
"So I shouldn't stop, right?"
"Mhm." I nodded again, not wanting him to stop.

Was I thinking straight at that moment? No, I wasn't because Hyunjin fucked up my mind and I love that he did that. He somehow lit that flame inside of me, wanting more of what he was doing to me right now. I felt how my climax was near but instead of stopping Hyunjin I let him continue stroking it until I cummed.

Hyunjin smirked at me as he felt the wet liquid on his hand.
"Already cumming?" He continued smirking at me.
I felt extremely embarrassed and stupid. "How could I let him do this to me?!" I thought, which made my cheeks blush as red as cherry.

The whole lesson I felt how sticky my boxers were. Finally the bell rang for the break, allowing us to be set free.

Jisung and I walked down the halls together, while our friends were in front of us. There was silence between us. We haven't spoken since the situation that happened two days ago.

"Felix about two days ago...I'm sorry. What I said was messed up." Jisung apologized.
"It's ok. I forgive you." I hugged him."I know you just wanted to show empathy for me...but don't insult my sister for that. Ok?"
Jisung nodded in agreement.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now