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Felix's P.O.V

"Will you go out with me?" Asked Hyunjin.
He was holding a bouquet full of red roses.

I really wanted to say yes. I really did. But for some reason, something else came out of his mouth.

"No Hyunjin, I still think it's too early." Said Felix.

It was like, something was controlling my mouth, saying words that he didn't want to say.

Hyunjin looked down, while tears were flowing down out of his eyes.

"W-wait, I didn't mean that Hyunjin! I would love to go-" But before I could say anything to Hyunjin, Hyunjin was already walking away from him.

"Hyunjin! Wait!" I ran after him. Even though I was running, it felt like Hyunjin was faster than me.

Hyunjin walked through a dark hall, while I was running after him. I couldn't see a thing in the dark, but then suddenly a light shined. It was Hyunjin. He was walking with sagged shoulders, with his head down in a certain direction, while tears were streaming out of his eyes, creating a path with the rotten roses, that fell out off the bouquet.

"Hyunjin, please stop!" But Hyunjin didn't listen and continued walking. Could he even hear me? After a few minutes of running after him, I saw a shining entrance, that shined just like Hyunjin, making Hyunjin invisible, as he went through it. I ran faster, trying not to lose Hyunjin in the light.

"Hyunjin..." I breathed out, because of the running.

"How the hell are you so-" As I looked up, sadness was written all over my face.

"Will you go out with me?" Asked Hyunjin, holding a empty bouquet, which confused me. Why is he asking him out with a empty bouquet? Suddenly something happened, which answered my question. Dozens of new red roses grew out of the bouquet. It seemed like they grew again, because Hyunjin had a interest.

"Oh my god. YES!" Moonyoung hugged Hyunjin out of full happiness, accidentally knocking the bouquet of roses on the floor.
After a few minutes of hugging, Moonyoung looked in Hyunjin's eyes and Hyunjin in Moonyoung's eyes. Hyunjin started to slowly lean in, closing the gap between their lips. And there was the scene I hoped, that would never happen.

As Hyunjin closed the gap between them, they kissed. I just stood there shocked and broken, feeling all the sad emotions in the world. And it pained so much, that it felt like a bone broke in my body.


"AHHHH!" I screamed out in pain, as the bone in my right leg broke, making me fall to the ground. I clenched my hand hard on the broken leg.


"AHHHH!" I screamed out in pain again, as the bone in my other leg broke.

"F-fuck..." Tears rolled out of my eyes, as the pain really started to struck in. Dark clouds started to form above my head. It started raining, except on Hyunjin and Moonyoung's side. Instead there were flowers blooming around them and the sun was shining. Love, happiness and joy was on their side, while anger, sadness and depression was on my side.


I heard a another crack. But this time it wasn't a bone from my body. It was the floor. The floor started cracking piece by piece, slowly making it's way to me. I tried crawling away from the cracks, but then the bones in both of my arms broke.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now