Do I have a crush on him?

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No one's P.O.V

It has been two weeks since Felix settled in his new school. Things had changed so much about him through those weeks. Felix didn't have many friends when he was in Australia. But when he suddenly met his childhood friend Han again, he made about six new friends in just two days. He also hated waking up in the morning for school. But when he heard that Hyunjin would go to school, he would immediately jump out of his bed.

Felix slowy thought that he was having a crush on Hyunjin but his mind always declined. But his body had an opposite opinion.When Hyunjin was always near his body or touched him, Felix always felt butterflies in his stomach, joy overfilling his body, he blushed hard and he always had a little smile curving on his lips.

His friends started noticing his behavior around Hyunjin and started teasing him always when Hyunjin left Felix's side. They would always say stuff like " Someone has a crush on Hyunjin~" mostly Han. But he would always declined those teasings. He swore that he would never have a crush on someone again, since his last crush didn't work so well.

"Sorry but I don't feel that way about you Felix..."

Gosh those words always sting Felix's heart when he thinks about it. Felix wasn't really scared that Hyunjin would reject him, he was scared that Hyunjin would distanced himself from him. That is what happened between Felix and Jay. After the day Felix confessed his feelings to Jay, he would always ignore Felix and pretend to not know him when Felix greeted him.

In the morning

Felix's alarm started ringing waking him up." Ugh" Felix groaned. He strechted his arm towards the nightstand trying to find his phone to turn off his alarm. He finally found his phone and turned off his alarm. He just wanted to drift back to sleep but before he could Hyunjin stopped him.

"Come on Lixie, we have to go to school." Hyunjin said." But I don't want to!" Felix said trying to protest against Hyunjin." Well at least it's Friday today." Hyunjin said trying to change Felix's mind. But Felix just ignored Hyunjin and closed his eyes." Well seems like I'm going to school alone." Hyunjin mumbled. Felix immediately ripped his eyes open." You're going to school?" Felix asked surprised."Obviously. Why are you so surprised?" Hyunjin asked confused." Well it's just that you mostly skip school." Felix answered.

"Yea but if I keep doing that the school will call my parents and I can't risk that. And it gets pretty lonely and boring being in the dorm all alone." Hyunjin said." O-h that's why." Felix answered. Hyunjin noticed how Felix answer sounded like he didn't pay any attention. He looked at Felix who was looking somewhere else. Hyunjin started looking at something that Felix looked at.

"Something interesting about my abs?" Hyunjin smirked."W-what? OH! I'm sorry! I didn't realize that I was looking at your abs." Felix apologized feeling embarrassed.
Hyunjin just chuckled at his behavior and got dressed. Felix also went to go dressed, since Hyunjin went to school too.

As Hyunjin and Felix were on the way to school, Felix thought more if he really has a crush on Hyunjin." I like Hyunjin as a best friend but why do I always get butterflies in my stomach when he touches me?" Felix thought. He suspects that he really has a crush on Hyunjin, because of the last four words he thought before he drifted to sleep on Hyunjin's shoulder on the beautiful field of flowers in the middle of the night.

"I love you Hyunjin"

Felix couldn't help but blush. As Hyunjin and him arrived at school Felix looked at his Smartphone looking at the time." We still have 30 minutes before class starts. What should we do?" Felix asked." We could meet our friends in the park of the school. But when we are on the way there, could we make a stop at the restroom?" Hyunjin said." Sure."

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now