normal day...

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Felix P.O.V ( whole chapter)

"Are you ok?" Hyunjin asked as he saw me staring at the wall blankly." Felix?" He asked again, because I didn't answer." What-Oh yes I'm alright..." I answered.
"Are you sure, that everything is alright?" Hyunjin asked in a serious ton, that kind of scared me a little, because I have never heard that kind of tone from him." Y-yea." I stuttered."Felix don't lie to me." Hyunjin started to give me serious look." Ok...I'm not alright..." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked in his normal ton." It's about my sister..." He gave me a side eye as I said the word sister."My parents invited Olivia and me to dinner tomorrow." I said." And when we're eating at the table, my mom will ask us how our day was at school." I felt how tears started to roll down my cheeks while talking."She will ask Olivia if that really happened at school, because she thinks Olivia is an angle and always tells the truth." I almost choked because I couldn't stop crying. I wasn't only crying, because Olivia would tell mom. I was also crying because I felt so overwhelmed rejecting my crush.

"Hey hey, everything is alright." Hyunjin said trying to comfort me." No, it isn't. When Olivia tells mom about my secret between us, she will forbid me from seeing you." I sobbed louder." Felix if you're going to sob louder, you will wake up all the students in this building." Hyunjin said trying to end my sobbing. I felt how my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.
"I think it's time for us to go to sleep." Hyunjin said.

He then picked me up in his arms, going towards the bedroom. He placed me softly on the bed tucking me in."Goodnight Lix." He whispered, before he gave me a kiss on my forehead. I couldn't react at that sudden kiss, since I was too tired. My body started to relax, making me drift into a sleep.

In the morning

I let out a big yawn as I woke up. I started hearing two voices in the kitchen. As I listened more to the other voice I realized that it was my older sister's voice. I immediately got out of bed."Rachel!" I ran like I haven't seen her in ages."Felix!" Rachel greeted me back."Any reasons for the sudden visit?" I wondered why she came here, even though we were going to meet at our parents house." Well I got worried about you, because you didn't answer to my text yesterday." She answered." Was everything alright yesterday?" Rachel asked." Yea." I saw how Hyunjin gave me side eye.

"Are you sure?" I noticed how she gave me a worried look this time." Yep!" I said but this time more energetic."Ok, if you say so."
Rachel said. Rachel stood up heading towards the door." Wait!" I shouted." Why don't you stay here for a while?" I said not wanting her to leave." I would love to stay but I have to study for my presentation." Rachel said." Oh..ok. We will meet again in the evening." I hugged her before letting her leave.

" Why didn't you tell her the truth?" Hyunjin finally talked." I don't want her to be more worried about me." Felix said. Hyunjin just hummed at my answer."Eat your breakfast." Hyunjin said as he placed the pancakes in front of me. Hyunjin always prepares breakfast for me in the morning. The breakfast would always taste good."Jinnie this breakfast is delicious." I said while munching on the pancakes." I know you, always tell me that." Hyunjin chuckled." Who taught you to cook like that?" I asked.

" My mum." Hyunjin sighed." She taught me  when I was like thirteen years old, before she died." Hyunjin tried to fight back his tears as he said those words."I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"No, it's ok. Her death was three years ago..." Hyunjin mumbled. There was silence between us. But it broke quickly as we heard someone knock on the door." I'm gonna answer it." I said." Oh hey guys, come in." I greeted my friends." Hey Felix." They greeted me back."Any reasons for the visit?" I asked them as I welcomed them in."Jisung told us that you're going to your parents house at 4pm and we wanted to spend time with you before you go." Minho said.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now