First day at school

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Felix P.O.V (for the whole chapter)

I woke up to an annoying alarm. Reminding me of the hell that I always have to go through. School. I quickly put off the alarm, wanting to go back to sleep , but before I could drift back to sleep I heard the door of my room opening.

It was my mom. "Felix get up and dress up! Today is your first day of school, you can't be late!" My mom shouted at me , pulling the blanket of my body away. I instantly felt a breeze hit me. "Oh right I forgot to close the window yesterday when I went to bed" I thought to myself." FELIX!" My mom shouted at me again, but this time giving me shivers down my spine.

"Ok, geez I'm already awake" I answered tiredly."Good, now get yourself ready and come downstairs. Breakfast is already ready." Mom told me. I got myself ready wearing baggy clothes.

 I got myself ready wearing baggy clothes

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(Felix's clothes)

I then went down to the living room already smelling the smell of bacon and eggs. I went to the kitchen meeting my siblings,my mom and my grandma. They all told me good morning. I then sat down next to my younger sister Olivia, eating the bacon and eggs.

Then after the breakfast Olivia and I went to the bus stop. Sadly our older sister couldn't come with us, because she had to take a other bus , since she is now in university.

(Their ages in this story: Felix Lee 16 years old, Olivia Lee 14 years old and their older sister Rachel Lee 19 years old)

When the bus finally arrived we went in.
I thought Olivia and I were going to sit together all the way to the school, but then she saw her childhood friend and decided to sit with her instead. So I had no other choice but too sit somewhere else in the bus.

As the bus was driving I was thinking about how I should make new friends at school."What if they mock me, because of my accent or the way I speak Korean" I thought to myself. My parents may be from South Korea, but I rarely spoke Korean with them. So before we moved South Korea, my siblings and I took Korean lesson.

Before I could even think of more bad thoughts, the bus came to a stop. The bus became instantly silent as a tall black haired guy walked into the bus. All the girls were fan girling over him. To be honest I couldn't blame them, because he had the hottest visuals.

All the girls with free seats next to them shouted"Hyunjin!Hyunjin! Here's a free seat! Hyunjin come sit next to me!" But the Guy ignored them and decided to sit next to me...NEXT TO ME. For some reason my heart was starting to beat faster. I started to smell the smell of colonge , that was going to through my nose. I took a quick glance at him, his lips were reddish, his eyes brown, his hair black as coal but still able to shine, he had a pale skin and a some piercing on his left eyebrow.

"He's so fucking hot" What the hell did I just thought." I said out loud. That the guy next to me was able to hear it." Is everything ok?" he asked." U-uh, yes everything is alright" I answered him with an awkward smile. He then just nodded in response. I guess that was an okay.

The bus finally stopped in front of the school. As the guy or how the girls call him Hyunjin stood up from the seat. I instantly got of from my seat and ran out of bus like sonic. I strongly breathed the air in. I felt like choking on that guy's perfume. I mean it didn't smell bad, it smelt really good my heart just couldn't handle it anymore, when I saw his visuals.

"Are you alright?" Asked Olivia as she came out of the bus with her childhood friend."Yeah.." I breathed in heavily again.
"Really? Cause it seemed like you were really blushing hard as you were sitting next to Hyunjin." She said teasingly. Even her friend started to giggle."Just because I blushed when I sat next to him doesn't mean that I have a crush on him." I huffed at my sister.

My sister just responded with a chuckle.
She looked at the time on her phone and then put the phone back in her pocket." So we still have 25 minutes, before our first period is starting." So what-" before I could speak her friend interrupted me."Olivia will you come with me to the bathroom?"Sure I have to use the bathroom anyways."She answered. They then started going to the school building. My sister waved me goodbye from the school building , while her friend was holding her hand dragging her into the school building until I couldn't see her again.

"Now what..." I thought to myself. I took out a map ,that the school gave before coming here, so I could know where the clubs are,the gym or like classrooms. As I look at the map , I decided to go to the library. It took me freaking 10 minutes to get there, because the map was hella complicated. When I walked into the library my eyes were glowing. The library was huge. There were different aisle. A aisle for mangas,romantic books,horror books,Sci-fi books and other more kind of aisle. As I walked through the aisle for mangas when I saw a familiar figure. He had a familiar face. He reminded me of a....a childhood friend."Could that be...


Thanks for reading this chapter!:)
So who do you think Felix is gonna meet again?


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