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Felix's P.O.V

I woke up to an extreme headache today.
I also felt a warm presence beside me. I turned around to see who it was."OH MY GOD." I screamed. Hyunjin's eyes were immediately ripped open as he heard me scream."What is wrong?" He asked me with his deep morning voice."The problem is that you're in my bed!" I shouted at him."Your bed? Felix your in my bed this is my room." Hyunjin said."Your room...?" I asked confused."Yes my room." Hyunjin repeated himself. I scanned the room around me realizing that it wasn't my room."If this isn't my room how did I end up here?" I asked while still looking confused around." don't remember?" Hyunjin asked."No."

Hyunjin explained what happened yesterday, sending me shivers down my spine after hearing every sentence. After he was done explaining, I couldn't get a single word out my throat." Felix are you ok?" he asked. I only answered him by blushing hard." Aww Felix." Hyunjin laughed at my behavior."I can't believe that I actually did that." I mumbled." What time is it anyway?"
"It's 3am." Hyunjin said."3AM?! My mom told me I should be home at 11pm." I panicked. I immediately jumped off the bed, putting my shoes on." Could you drive me to my house?" I asked Hyunjin."Nah, I'm too tired."

"Is he fucking kidding me?"

I looked at him, staring him into his soul, making him regret what he just said."O-k I will dri-ve you home chill." He stuttered." That's what I though." I said while flipping my invisible hair dramatically. While Hyunjin was driving me home, I wanted to looked on my phone if I had missed any phone calls. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at my phone.

"10 missed calls from mom"

"Crap..." I muttered in an inaudible voice, so that Hyunjin couldn't hear what I was saying. The whole ride my stomach was making cartwheels, because of the
"10 missed calls from mom" Gosh do I also get a stomachache just thinking about it.

Hyunjin finally arrived at my house.
" Thanks for the ride." I said while closing the car door behind me." Hey! Before you go could I get your phone number?" Of co-" LEE FELIX. GET IN HERE!" My mom shoutetd at me. I turned around seeing her. She was stalking us through the window. I knew she saw everything." Sorry I will give you it later at school. My mom is calling me." I sighed."Oh...well then, I will you see you in school."Yea, I will-" LEE YONGBOK FELIX!"

That's when I realized I fucked up.

I immediately ran in the house not even saying a goodbye to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin P.O.V

Felix immediately ran in the house as his mom called him by his full name. I just know he is about to get his ass beat. I drove back to my apartment, packing my stuff up in a luggage. Today the school was gonna announce, which student's roommate was gonna be. I then rode with the bus to school.

As I got out of the bus, heading towards the school building, I felt a strong grip holding my wrist, dragging me behind the school building."Who the hell are you?!" I shouted.
The person let go of my wrist making me fall on the ground. I looked up seeing a person that looked like the girl version of Felix." I'm Olivia Lee. Felix's sister." She said." Nice to meet you Olivia, I'm Hyunjin." I said calmly even though she just dragged me here."AND WHY DID YOU DRAGGED ME BEHIND HERE?!" I shouted at her not being able to keep calm.

"HEY DON'T SHOUT AT ME." She shouted back at me, also giving me a hard slap across the face."My brother just got in trouble this morning, because of you. You dropped him at 5:30 am this morning even though he was supposed to be at 11pm back yesterday."Ok first of all-" But before I could talk Olivia interrupted me" I know that you had sex with him and that he stayed the night by you." She looked at me with cat eyes staring into my soul.

"Look I won't hurt you, as long as you promise me, that you will stay away from Felix." She said." And what makes you think I will do that?" I asked in calm state, even though I wanted to slapped the shit out of her, after what she just said." Because my parents said that." She said.

" You told your parents about the situation?!"No Felix did. And do you want to know why? Because he doesn't like you!
He told his parents so he could feel more protected. So if you ever want to visit him, they won't let you in." Olivia said. I felt so betrayed from Felix, after his sister told me that he doesn't want to do anything with me anymore.

Tears started falling from my eyes. Olivia just smiled at my miserable state that I was in."Have a nice day Hyunjin." She said before disappearing behind the corner.

No one's P.O.V

Felix was walking weirdly through the hall.
He was walking like that, because he just got fucked yesterday and he got his ass beat today. He also had a luggage with him, since the school was gonna announce which roommates the students are gonna have.

Felix finally made it to the center of the school. He saw how Han waved at him. He had saved Felix a seat right next to him. Felix sat down smiling at Han as a thanks. The principal came on the stage, he then started announcing the roommates.

" Ok so this how we're going to do this. The roommates we're going to call, will go to Ms. Tai and get the key from her." Mr. Tan (the principal) explained." Han Ji-sung your roommate will be Lee Min-ho." Mr. Tan announced. Felix felt how his heart was sinking."What if I'm not gonna be roommates with one of my friends." Felix thought." Seo Changbin your roommate will be Kim Seungmin."

"Great already lost four chances being roommates with my friends." Felix thought making his heart sink deeper." Lee Felix your roommate will be Hwang Hyunjin." The principal announced.

" Fuck how will I be able to ignore Felix when he's gonna be my roommate." Hyunjin thought.


Word count: 1084

Thanks for reading this chapter❤️
Next chapter will come out to tomorrow.


𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙]Where stories live. Discover now